Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday... and a better start to the day...

My last 2 days haven't started out (and/or finished) all that well.  Sunday was the day I inexplicably fell off the treadmill while running at 7.0 mph.  YIKES!  So now I have 2 tore up legs that need to heal.  I guess we'll see how it goes considering my track record lately of my apparently non-existant immune system.  The 2 large areas of the "rubber brush burn" are already not looking so good.  I'm not giving it more than a couple days before heading back to visit the docs after the last infection.  The captain I work for says it's this country.  He swears by it, too... that there's something here that just makes bacteria powerful, and I kinda believe him.  He's had to deal with a couple infections himself, and sure enough he got another one here (he had a really bad one here a couple years ago as well).  At least this time... it's an injury I can actually see!  That's half the battle. 

As for yesterday... well... it started out alright.  My shift in the morning went well... I won't go into the middle part of the day as I already blogged my rant about that yesterday.  The afternoon was MUCH better.  My workout really gave my mood a boost yesterday afternoon.  50 minutes of pure bliss, and intense I might add, on the elliptical can sometimes do that for you!  The evening was decent as well.  I just hung out at the rec center for a little while and then watched the movie Salt in the comfort of my bed while drinking my 2nd cinnamon orange tea.  :)  I was in bed ready for sleep by 10:30, which is pretty darn good for me on a night before I get to sleep in. 

So far today... I woke up at 4:45 to go Skype with Anne Marie from 5-6.  Then I went back to bed, and boy oh boy did I sleep in!  My alarm went off at 10 this morning, but I snoozed it until about 10:30.  I probably could have easily slept till noon!  But who wants to do that???  I mean, after all, I had already gotten in a very solid 10 hours plus of shut-eye!  :)  Now I'm just sitting outside at the pavilion on this mild cloudy mid-February day in the desert.  At best guess I'd put the temperature in the mid-50s.  It's nice... with a chilly breeze.  It looks like it sort of wants to rain, but it hasn't to this point.  The sun is even peeking out every now and then. :)

I'm playing poker and really NOT doing well today. LOL  It's just one of those days that we all have.  I had a few moments where I was tilting, which is never a good thing, and that's where I went down about $80.  I did manage to take 3rd in my tourney to make back a little bit, but I'm still a good $60-$65 down for the day.  I still have a little bit longer to play before I start getting ready for my short workday. 

You really can't beat having a 4 1/2 hour day every Tuesday!  :)  It's also one hell of a boost to whatever was getting you down the previous couple of days that's for sure!  :) 

Peace, Love, and Poker

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