Friday, February 4, 2011

Can I get a big TGIF????

Yes!!!  It's Friday once again!!!  This week was a complete blur, too!!!  That leaves only 5 more weeks... 5 more "Fridays" so to speak left in the desert.  Did I mention there's only 3 hours left before I'm off work again??? :) 

So... did anything significant happen between my Fridays?  Well... there was at least one thing.  I went to see a compelling speaker, who's book I happened to have in my possession thanks to my dear wifey.  The author of this book, aptly named "Scarred", is Mr. Dave Roever.  He was here to speak on Wednesday evening at the main base chapel.  It was an honor to meet him.  He signed my wife's book (which he had signed at one time in the past) TWICE... and wrote a note to each of us inside each cover.  It was AWESOME!!!  I also got two pictures with him when he first arrived.  I will be posting them very soon... most likely tomorrow while I'm not working. :)

What else happened this week???  I can't really think of much that was different from any other week right now.  The late show day time was moved to 2:30 PM this week, which is amazing!!!  That really set the tone for the past couple days this week I think.  It was that extra sleep that really energized me and got me through what's been a very cold and rainy week here in a typically fairly warm place... even in winter.  Today marks the 3rd straight day that it didn't get to 50 degrees.  Tomorrow looks to be rainy and much of the same... somewhere around 45.  I'm actually not complaining, though.  I think it's enjoyable to have a little winter like weather for a change.  It's pretty much how it is in Boise this time of year and probably similar to what it will be like when we get back. 

My plans for tomorrow are the same for the most part as most of my Saturdays.  I sleep till 8.  I hit the boys room... swing by the gym and weigh myself on my way to breakfast... and have a nice big breakfast of tasty goodies... omelet, hash browns, bacon, biscuit, french toast with fruit topping, and OJ.  That's my weekly morning treat after eating the same thing for the rest of the week's earliest and most important meal. :)

After breakfast I will be on Skype with my sister and then probably call my dad.  After that... maybe some poker and then it will be pizza time!!! :)  I would like to think I might work out at some point, but I never do... with the exception of one 30 minute elliptical workout one Saturday long ago.  After lunch I will relax and maybe fire up the poker again and could even write another blog post!!!!  Keep your eyes peeled! ;) 

Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind at any given time simply because it's my DAY OFF!!!  That means I can do whatever my heart desires at the time throughout the day.  :)  I will definitely be seeing you all here again very soon!  It's only 2 more days until SUPER BOWL time!!!!  HERE WE GO STEELERS!!!  Oh yeah... I got the brand new version of the HERE WE GO song last night, and it didn't disappoint!!!  15 years and going strong!!! 

Peace, Love, and Poker

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