I'm back to that point again where I don't know what to write about. I went to the doctor today and got something very painful and nasty taken care of. Trust me when I say... nobody would want to see it or know about it. It was on the back of my neck, and we'll leave it at that. LOL So although I'm still in pain with a giant band aid on the back of my neck, I'm very glad that thing is gone! :)
There is good news, of course... tomorrow is Friday... which means my day off is right around the corner. The problem is that something new starts with our schedule tomorrow that's going to possibly make the day drag on significantly. Myself... and the other AST have to sit 6 hours straight now instead of our swapping out every 2 hours like we used to do. It's not something I'm looking forward to, but I'm sure it won't be all that terrible. Then, after that I have the rest of the day (for the most part) to do whatever else I need or want to do. Plus I get what's typically the busiest part of the day tomorrow, the morning and very early afternoon. Not too shabby at all I must say!
I got what I think is probably the last of my Christmas gifts the last 2 days. I got a card from my dad as well. I got a package from my mom with a card in it and a Penguins Winter Classic T-Shirt with Malkin and #71 on the back... and from my sister was the same... but it was Crosby and #87 on the back. Now if only I were able to WEAR them!!! Hell, I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I actually have to decide on a wardrobe again! It's so freakin' easy here... it's either ABU's or PT gear. There's really no deciding, except for whether or not to wear a jacket or other cold weather items. I do have to say that it will be nice to wear civilian clothing again, though. Oh... I almost forget to add... my niece, Alyssa, sent me a gift, too. It's a little keychain sized flashlight. How cute! She was a good "Secret Santa" for Uncle Jimmy as she calls me. :)
So whatever will I do with my day off this week? Well... it will be New Years Day... so I could actually wake up a little before 8 just to watch the ball drop at 8 AM. I plan on following my normal day off "routine" for the most part. Wake up... hit the restroom... then the gym just to weigh myself for the week... then off to breakfast for a tasty morning omelet, bacon, hash browns, and maybe even a little slice of french toast! Sounds awesome doesn't it? Well... for lunch it will be either a pizza or calzone from Ciano's. I just haven't decided which yet and probably won't until I get there. That's usually how I roll, though. At least I'm going in knowing I'm only choosing between 2 things. There's no reason to try anything else there when the first two are so good!
Now... back to after breakfast as I went off on a tangent. I get that way about food sometimes. I usually do my laundry after I eat breakfast, and sometimes I either talk to my sister or call my dad. One Saturday morning I even did BOTH! After that I really don't plan anything else out. I either just catch up on emails... watch tv/movies... etc. It's not all that exciting, but it IS relaxing. I also get my Skype time in with Anne Marie in the early part of the evening as well!!! By then the day off is starting to wind down, and that feeling of having 6 days of work ahead starts to set in. Then after a shave and a shower... and possibly a nice cup of hot tea... it's time for bed. The moral of the story is this... even a day off can be Groundhog Day here in the desert! Only 10 weeks left to go... as my day off will mark the end of week number 17. :)
Now back to your Thursday stuff! I hope it's a good one!
Peace, Love, and Poker
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Who's got the Midweek Blues?
Perhaps I do... but at least it means I only have 2 more workdays and then another day off. So there's still that silver lining here even in week 17. :) Pretty soon we'll be down to single digits in the weeks remaining count. Right now it's at 10 1/2 to go. It's starting to get closer... and closer... to that long awaited return and some much needed TIME OFF!
It's been an ok week thus far. I just haven't quite felt like myself. Even with 10 hours of sleep and waking up nice and late yesterday something was off all day long. Walking out of my room I about fell off the steps (there are only 2 of them). It was really that sort of day all day, too. It's hard to explain, but if you've ever had a day that you just basically feel "off" that was me yesterday (and pretty much the 2 days prior as well). Perhaps it's as simple as being deployed at this time of year and not being able to visit everyone like I normally would. Maybe it's just being so deep into a rather mundane routine, although it's a busy one, that is starting to wear on me. Finally, is it just plain being tired? Working 12 hour days for an extended period of time will wear anyone out eventually.
It's no secret that we weren't really meant to work this many hours. That's part of what makes the deployment experience what it is... a deployment. Can you imagine the poor guys at the coffee shop who do it 7 days a week and NEVER have a day off??? I'm sure that they must get pretty exhausted after some time, even if they are used to it.
Hmmm.... it's odd but my Captain just asked me if I was doing alright and that they were a little worried about me. I suppose the funk I've been in hasn't gone unnoticed this week. Of course I'm doing alright... just a little down in the dumps as I mentioned already here. It's good to know that people care, though, and I do appreciate the concern. :)
Well... it's about time for lunch and workout here... not in that order, though. I'll be working out FIRST, of course! :) I hope it goes well... as I'm thinking it will!!!
Peace, Love, and Poker
It's been an ok week thus far. I just haven't quite felt like myself. Even with 10 hours of sleep and waking up nice and late yesterday something was off all day long. Walking out of my room I about fell off the steps (there are only 2 of them). It was really that sort of day all day, too. It's hard to explain, but if you've ever had a day that you just basically feel "off" that was me yesterday (and pretty much the 2 days prior as well). Perhaps it's as simple as being deployed at this time of year and not being able to visit everyone like I normally would. Maybe it's just being so deep into a rather mundane routine, although it's a busy one, that is starting to wear on me. Finally, is it just plain being tired? Working 12 hour days for an extended period of time will wear anyone out eventually.
It's no secret that we weren't really meant to work this many hours. That's part of what makes the deployment experience what it is... a deployment. Can you imagine the poor guys at the coffee shop who do it 7 days a week and NEVER have a day off??? I'm sure that they must get pretty exhausted after some time, even if they are used to it.
Hmmm.... it's odd but my Captain just asked me if I was doing alright and that they were a little worried about me. I suppose the funk I've been in hasn't gone unnoticed this week. Of course I'm doing alright... just a little down in the dumps as I mentioned already here. It's good to know that people care, though, and I do appreciate the concern. :)
Well... it's about time for lunch and workout here... not in that order, though. I'll be working out FIRST, of course! :) I hope it goes well... as I'm thinking it will!!!
Peace, Love, and Poker
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas in a faraway place...
As the song goes... And so this is Christmas... and this is sad but I really don't know the rest of the words. LOL but those 5 words are enough to get me started on this Christmas night in the desert. And so this is... Christmas... and many people here would rather just say SO what? There's no snow here. There are people wishing you Merry Christmas who really don't even have the first clue what it means. Then again, there are those who do... ALL of those of us deployed here to Iraq (and all of the other locations we deploy to as well) in fact SHOULD know why we celebrate this wonderful holiday once a year!
Today, just over a couple thousand years ago, was born a child that would change everything forever. Jesus was born on this day, the Christ, the Son of Man, the only son of God. I think a lot of us tend to get caught up in all the ruckus of the holidays and forget this little tidbit of information. I know I've been guilty of it plenty of times, but yet when you're here, in this place far away, it's very easy to remember. I went to church last night in celebration of Christmas, and it was wonderful if not moving even. The sermon was titled "What if there were NO Christmas?" It's a valid question that can apply just about anywhere in the world at anytime depending on what you believe.
If there were no Christmas what would bring us together at this time of year? Certainly not New Year's. Did not the legend of the great Saint Nicholas (notice the word SAINT) derive directly from the very meaning of CHRISTmas as we know it today? The 3 Wise Men did have something to do with the gift giving part of this fine holiday as well. As you can see... all of them are intertwined. Families come together over Christmas more than at any other time of the year, which is no accident. This gathering of loved ones could possibly be what keeps us going from year to year even. It's the one time when you tend to forget all of the negativity in your life and simply enjoy the company of others. That even happens here in the desert.
I went to lunch today to enjoy my Christmas feast, and I found nobody I recognized when it was time to be seated to eat. So... I asked a table of complete strangers if I could join them, thereby making a number of new acquaintances over the Christmas meal. There were Joe, Randy, Kristy, and a few others at the opposite end of the table. It was very enjoyable. I also found that they are folks in my job that we talk to every single day while we work. What a coincidence, huh???
Anyway... I hate to cut this short... but I must go so this can post before my battery dies. I hope you've all had an awesome Christmas, and I will do my best to continue this at a later time! MERRY CHRISTMAS from Iraq!!!
Peace, Love, and Poker
Today, just over a couple thousand years ago, was born a child that would change everything forever. Jesus was born on this day, the Christ, the Son of Man, the only son of God. I think a lot of us tend to get caught up in all the ruckus of the holidays and forget this little tidbit of information. I know I've been guilty of it plenty of times, but yet when you're here, in this place far away, it's very easy to remember. I went to church last night in celebration of Christmas, and it was wonderful if not moving even. The sermon was titled "What if there were NO Christmas?" It's a valid question that can apply just about anywhere in the world at anytime depending on what you believe.
If there were no Christmas what would bring us together at this time of year? Certainly not New Year's. Did not the legend of the great Saint Nicholas (notice the word SAINT) derive directly from the very meaning of CHRISTmas as we know it today? The 3 Wise Men did have something to do with the gift giving part of this fine holiday as well. As you can see... all of them are intertwined. Families come together over Christmas more than at any other time of the year, which is no accident. This gathering of loved ones could possibly be what keeps us going from year to year even. It's the one time when you tend to forget all of the negativity in your life and simply enjoy the company of others. That even happens here in the desert.
I went to lunch today to enjoy my Christmas feast, and I found nobody I recognized when it was time to be seated to eat. So... I asked a table of complete strangers if I could join them, thereby making a number of new acquaintances over the Christmas meal. There were Joe, Randy, Kristy, and a few others at the opposite end of the table. It was very enjoyable. I also found that they are folks in my job that we talk to every single day while we work. What a coincidence, huh???
Anyway... I hate to cut this short... but I must go so this can post before my battery dies. I hope you've all had an awesome Christmas, and I will do my best to continue this at a later time! MERRY CHRISTMAS from Iraq!!!
Peace, Love, and Poker
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve...
... is upon us... well... for most the bells have chimed past the midnight hour to make it so. Here it's already been Christmas Eve for over 10 hours! Maybe it didn't hit me until a few minutes ago, but I am really feeling pretty down this morning. :( It's tough being so far away from loved ones at this time of year. Some of our guys over here have done this 4 or 5 years IN A ROW! That's crazy!!! Missing the holidays every year for that many years is enough to drive anyone to drink. (So to speak of course, since there are no "drinks" here)
Tomorrow it will be Christmas Day, which just happens to coincide with my day off. I haven't decided whether or not that's a good thing, but I do plan to enjoy the day to some extent. I think I'm not going to do a whole lot, though. I will do my laundry... possibly even later tonight if I can stay awake that long. I will go have a tasty Christmas dinner, most likely at the lunchtime meal. The meal schedule is a bit different for the holiday, so there won't be an omelet for breakfast this week on my day off. I am thinking I will just sleep later than I normally would and wake up whenever without the help of the alarm clock for a change. :)
I miss the family time a lot right now, but keeping in touch often has definitely helped to ease the blow quite a bit. It's nice to know that those options are available so far away. I've been doing my best to stay positive, and for the most part it has worked. I'm sure everyone hits a bit of a rough patch during a long deployment like this. I'm very thankful it's not longer. The Army folks stay for a year at a time or longer. That's insane! I'll take 6 months over that any day of the week! There will be time to spend with the family and with my dear wifey once I get back home in March, and I can continue to look forward to that. :) It's the light at the end of the tunnel... and it is a very motivating light!
I had a number of things I'd thought about doing this Christmas Eve and Day, but what it all comes down to is how do I feel at the time? First off... I usually would attend church for a candlelight service on Christmas Eve if I were home. I really would like to do that, but then I don't get to sleep until VERY late, especially for here and then run the risk of sleeping away my Christmas Day and day off. There is a 5K race in the morning at 6:30 tomorrow. Again... on the other end I'm giving up sleep once more if I choose to participate. In the end, it's all going to depend on what I'm feeling later tonight when the time comes to actually make the decision. I've already ruled the race out. I'm not waking up at the ass crack on my day off. Not happening! So... if anything I will go the church route if I'm able to keep my eyes open that late after being up at 4:15 this morning. 20+ hours is a long time to be awake for a day. Therefore, time will tell.
I do wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and I hope that you are enjoying this time with your families wherever you may be! Take care of yourselves and each other during this holiday season, and don't forget to eat, drink, and be merry!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Peace, Love, and Poker
Tomorrow it will be Christmas Day, which just happens to coincide with my day off. I haven't decided whether or not that's a good thing, but I do plan to enjoy the day to some extent. I think I'm not going to do a whole lot, though. I will do my laundry... possibly even later tonight if I can stay awake that long. I will go have a tasty Christmas dinner, most likely at the lunchtime meal. The meal schedule is a bit different for the holiday, so there won't be an omelet for breakfast this week on my day off. I am thinking I will just sleep later than I normally would and wake up whenever without the help of the alarm clock for a change. :)
I miss the family time a lot right now, but keeping in touch often has definitely helped to ease the blow quite a bit. It's nice to know that those options are available so far away. I've been doing my best to stay positive, and for the most part it has worked. I'm sure everyone hits a bit of a rough patch during a long deployment like this. I'm very thankful it's not longer. The Army folks stay for a year at a time or longer. That's insane! I'll take 6 months over that any day of the week! There will be time to spend with the family and with my dear wifey once I get back home in March, and I can continue to look forward to that. :) It's the light at the end of the tunnel... and it is a very motivating light!
I had a number of things I'd thought about doing this Christmas Eve and Day, but what it all comes down to is how do I feel at the time? First off... I usually would attend church for a candlelight service on Christmas Eve if I were home. I really would like to do that, but then I don't get to sleep until VERY late, especially for here and then run the risk of sleeping away my Christmas Day and day off. There is a 5K race in the morning at 6:30 tomorrow. Again... on the other end I'm giving up sleep once more if I choose to participate. In the end, it's all going to depend on what I'm feeling later tonight when the time comes to actually make the decision. I've already ruled the race out. I'm not waking up at the ass crack on my day off. Not happening! So... if anything I will go the church route if I'm able to keep my eyes open that late after being up at 4:15 this morning. 20+ hours is a long time to be awake for a day. Therefore, time will tell.
I do wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and I hope that you are enjoying this time with your families wherever you may be! Take care of yourselves and each other during this holiday season, and don't forget to eat, drink, and be merry!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Peace, Love, and Poker
Saturday, December 18, 2010
A relaxing Saturday off... again.
It sounds all too familiar doesn't it??? It's the day off again. That once-a-week time to recover from the previous 6 days has arrived again! This one is not too much different, however, I'm looking at it slightly different. I am going to go have pizza at 1300 today... which is going to be fantastic! Then I'm off to the Post Office and BX after that to take care of a couple things. We're having a party at work later with burgers on the grill (and BBQ ribs I do believe as well. :P). Yet.... I still don't feel like being involved with anything having to do with work on my only day off of the week. At the same time I feel guilty about it. It's this internal battle that I go through sometimes. It's stressful, too. I just start thinking that I only have this opportunity for a day that's all mine while I'm here... yet I'm still having to give a part of it up to work... even if it is for something "fun".
What can one do about these internal battles? I've suffered more of them than I care to recount over my 38 years of life (and most of them over the course of the last 3 years.) I'm actually not complaining here, either. I know it probably comes across that way to others sometimes, but that's not how I FEEL. This is simply me expressing my feelings from deep down inside... nothing superficial and/or selfishly motivated about it. When a person works 70+ hours every week for 15 weeks... a day off is not a luxury it's a NECESSITY. Eventually the body and the mind wear down. It's a well known fact. The lack of sleep continues to add to the building sleep debt, and eventually said person will succumb to illness of some sort because the body can't fight any longer.
I do, however, hear others truly complain (at least that's what I presume it to be) rather often. Sure, it sucks to deploy during the holidays and leave all of your loved ones behind. I would be a fool to disagree. However, you knew the risk when you joined the military. Deployment is part of military life. Granted, in our job we deploy (as a unit anyway) more often than most, but it's still something that no Air Force job is exempt from. All things considered we're in a pretty decent place here in Iraq. The base offers MANY services and comforts of "home" and provides us with many opportunities to stay in touch with family and friends as much as free time will allow. Yet people still complain incessantly about things... ridiculous things in fact! So I've decided to rate them (I'm shooting for a top 10 here... but I might not get to 10) in the order of how stupid I perceive them to be. Of course, this is only my opinion, but hey, it's worth at least 2 cents! So here goes...
1. Speed of the internet here. This is one that just burns me to hear outwardly. YOU ARE LUCKY TO HAVE INTERNET AND WIFI HERE!!!! I mean, seriously, what would these people have done 10 or 15 years ago when WiFi wasn't even thought of??? I remember the days of the $1000 phone bills for one month. Maybe we can go back to that???
2. The quality of the food. Where the fuck did you think you were going??? Club Med??? This is Iraq! Honestly the food is A LOT better here than I could have possibly imagined. Yet there are those who are always complaining, "Oh this sucks... back home this is so much better... blah blah blah." YOU'RE NOT BACK HOME! Be grateful for what you have here!!! You could be eating MREs!!!
3. Having to do your job. Guess what??? You don't get paid to twiddle your thumbs! I know that's hard to believe for some, but Uncle Sam actually expects at least somewhat of an honest day's work out of you! For the most part we only sit on position for 4 out of 12 hours and have the majority of the remaining time to do whatever (while at work for the most part... or the gym). I'd say it's not a bad deal if you ask me.
4. Not getting paid enough. No shit... we don't get paid enough. We're all in that boat, but guess what? We're getting a TON of benefits that you don't get outside of the military, and while we're deployed EVERYTHING is tax free!!! Not to mention we get a number of additional pay/allowances while deployed as well. I think we're getting a ton of money right now being here!
5. If only there were alcohol.... ahhhh... yes... wouldn't it be nice??? Well... suck it up... the beers will be there when you get home in 3 months. I love my beer as much as anyone, but I sure as hell can live without it.
6. I miss my cell phone. WAAAHHHHH! This is something I probably miss less than anything else here. I love the idea that it actually takes an EFFORT to communicate with those who you care about. What a concept? Actually having conversations! I think everyone should go without their cell phone for 6 months. It might actually do them some good in their lives!
7. The weather. This one is one I am definitely guilty of sometimes as well. I complain about the weather when I'm home as well... usually when it's ridiculously hot. I hate being hot... and it makes me irritable and angry. Right now the weather is AWESOME here! I've heard several complain about the rain from last weekend. Do you realize that was the first time it rained in OVER 40 DAYS??? Enjoy it... relish it... it's a nice fresh change of pace. The cloudy skies this morning were a welcome sight, and the temperature in the mid 50s is very comfortable. So... although I can definitely relate to this one... it's been a couple months since I've said an ill word about our weather here.
8. Lack of transportation. Sure... it sucks to have to walk places... but be grateful for the vehicles we do have at work, and treat them as if they were your own or else they might be taken away. I walk everywhere BY CHOICE. Why??? It's very good exercise, and enjoying the nice cool weather is therapeutic for me.
9. Lodging accomodations. This one is one I don't here too often, but it really burns me up. I think we have it pretty good here. There was a time when a deployment like this would be lived in a tent with about 15 or 20 bunks in it. 'Nuff said.
10. Random stupid shit people say... there's a million things I could put here... which is why I saved it for #10. There are the airmen who don't want to do things like clean-up when it's their turn. Everyone was an Airman once, and they had to do their turn. I did mine a long time ago. It pisses me off when the good ones end up having to do all the work because they actually care about doing a good job.
I can only do so much to help... and I can't be in 8 places at one time. None of us can. We do our best to listen and help out whenever possible, but we still expect the simple things to be done without having to have a thumb on the ones doing it. That was just an example... but I'm sure you get the gist of it. I hate laziness... and I hate that sense of entitlement that people seem to think they deserve over here (and at home as well).
So as this 15th week comes to a close... I think about my dear wifey baby back home in NY with her family but without me there for the holidays. I do miss her dearly, and I know we'll be together soon. As quickly as the time is passing here... it will be REALLY soon. I know this to be true. We're already on the downside of December. Only 13(ish) weeks to go... and that's estimating on the high side. It could be closer to 12. That doesn't sound too bad at all now does it? :) It's time for some pizza and a Mountain Dew. Mmmmmmm!!!!! Have an awesome Saturday before Christmas everyone! :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
What can one do about these internal battles? I've suffered more of them than I care to recount over my 38 years of life (and most of them over the course of the last 3 years.) I'm actually not complaining here, either. I know it probably comes across that way to others sometimes, but that's not how I FEEL. This is simply me expressing my feelings from deep down inside... nothing superficial and/or selfishly motivated about it. When a person works 70+ hours every week for 15 weeks... a day off is not a luxury it's a NECESSITY. Eventually the body and the mind wear down. It's a well known fact. The lack of sleep continues to add to the building sleep debt, and eventually said person will succumb to illness of some sort because the body can't fight any longer.
I do, however, hear others truly complain (at least that's what I presume it to be) rather often. Sure, it sucks to deploy during the holidays and leave all of your loved ones behind. I would be a fool to disagree. However, you knew the risk when you joined the military. Deployment is part of military life. Granted, in our job we deploy (as a unit anyway) more often than most, but it's still something that no Air Force job is exempt from. All things considered we're in a pretty decent place here in Iraq. The base offers MANY services and comforts of "home" and provides us with many opportunities to stay in touch with family and friends as much as free time will allow. Yet people still complain incessantly about things... ridiculous things in fact! So I've decided to rate them (I'm shooting for a top 10 here... but I might not get to 10) in the order of how stupid I perceive them to be. Of course, this is only my opinion, but hey, it's worth at least 2 cents! So here goes...
1. Speed of the internet here. This is one that just burns me to hear outwardly. YOU ARE LUCKY TO HAVE INTERNET AND WIFI HERE!!!! I mean, seriously, what would these people have done 10 or 15 years ago when WiFi wasn't even thought of??? I remember the days of the $1000 phone bills for one month. Maybe we can go back to that???
2. The quality of the food. Where the fuck did you think you were going??? Club Med??? This is Iraq! Honestly the food is A LOT better here than I could have possibly imagined. Yet there are those who are always complaining, "Oh this sucks... back home this is so much better... blah blah blah." YOU'RE NOT BACK HOME! Be grateful for what you have here!!! You could be eating MREs!!!
3. Having to do your job. Guess what??? You don't get paid to twiddle your thumbs! I know that's hard to believe for some, but Uncle Sam actually expects at least somewhat of an honest day's work out of you! For the most part we only sit on position for 4 out of 12 hours and have the majority of the remaining time to do whatever (while at work for the most part... or the gym). I'd say it's not a bad deal if you ask me.
4. Not getting paid enough. No shit... we don't get paid enough. We're all in that boat, but guess what? We're getting a TON of benefits that you don't get outside of the military, and while we're deployed EVERYTHING is tax free!!! Not to mention we get a number of additional pay/allowances while deployed as well. I think we're getting a ton of money right now being here!
5. If only there were alcohol.... ahhhh... yes... wouldn't it be nice??? Well... suck it up... the beers will be there when you get home in 3 months. I love my beer as much as anyone, but I sure as hell can live without it.
6. I miss my cell phone. WAAAHHHHH! This is something I probably miss less than anything else here. I love the idea that it actually takes an EFFORT to communicate with those who you care about. What a concept? Actually having conversations! I think everyone should go without their cell phone for 6 months. It might actually do them some good in their lives!
7. The weather. This one is one I am definitely guilty of sometimes as well. I complain about the weather when I'm home as well... usually when it's ridiculously hot. I hate being hot... and it makes me irritable and angry. Right now the weather is AWESOME here! I've heard several complain about the rain from last weekend. Do you realize that was the first time it rained in OVER 40 DAYS??? Enjoy it... relish it... it's a nice fresh change of pace. The cloudy skies this morning were a welcome sight, and the temperature in the mid 50s is very comfortable. So... although I can definitely relate to this one... it's been a couple months since I've said an ill word about our weather here.
8. Lack of transportation. Sure... it sucks to have to walk places... but be grateful for the vehicles we do have at work, and treat them as if they were your own or else they might be taken away. I walk everywhere BY CHOICE. Why??? It's very good exercise, and enjoying the nice cool weather is therapeutic for me.
9. Lodging accomodations. This one is one I don't here too often, but it really burns me up. I think we have it pretty good here. There was a time when a deployment like this would be lived in a tent with about 15 or 20 bunks in it. 'Nuff said.
10. Random stupid shit people say... there's a million things I could put here... which is why I saved it for #10. There are the airmen who don't want to do things like clean-up when it's their turn. Everyone was an Airman once, and they had to do their turn. I did mine a long time ago. It pisses me off when the good ones end up having to do all the work because they actually care about doing a good job.
I can only do so much to help... and I can't be in 8 places at one time. None of us can. We do our best to listen and help out whenever possible, but we still expect the simple things to be done without having to have a thumb on the ones doing it. That was just an example... but I'm sure you get the gist of it. I hate laziness... and I hate that sense of entitlement that people seem to think they deserve over here (and at home as well).
So as this 15th week comes to a close... I think about my dear wifey baby back home in NY with her family but without me there for the holidays. I do miss her dearly, and I know we'll be together soon. As quickly as the time is passing here... it will be REALLY soon. I know this to be true. We're already on the downside of December. Only 13(ish) weeks to go... and that's estimating on the high side. It could be closer to 12. That doesn't sound too bad at all now does it? :) It's time for some pizza and a Mountain Dew. Mmmmmmm!!!!! Have an awesome Saturday before Christmas everyone! :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
It's just another Wednesday here... my least favorite day of the week. I'm stuck here... in the command post... yet again, and it's after noon. This is becoming the norm here... so I am just going to condition myself to accept it and press forward. It's truly the only way to remain sane in this situation. Low or no expectations equals low or no disappointment which in turn equals very little or no stress over the whole situation. I will just allow myself whatever time I have to work out comfortably and eat lunch afterward without having to devour it like a dog who was just fed a juicy piece of steak. I mean... even if I don't get relieved until 1230... which seems likely today... I do still have enough time to get in a pretty decent workout and still have a little extra time left over to grab a decent bite to eat. I usually go to Subway afterward which isn't exactly all that time consuming. So yet again... why does this stress me out so if it's the norm and can regularly be "expected"?
My sister seems to think I have some kind of autistic type OCD going on here. LOL I could not disagree more, though. I am one of the least organized and most "spur of the moment" people I know. Granted, you do get into a regular routine over here, and when it gets messed up it's rather displeasing. You're relying on people to relieve you at a certain time per whatever your schedule is for that day/time frame. So when that doesn't happen as scheduled doesn't one have a right to be a little pissed off? Let's face it here... we're all here (most days anyway) for 12 hours or more. Isn't that enough of a time frame to ensure one would be on time for their portion of that day? It's a valid question is it not? I try not to be the "bad guy" or the "complainer". It really gets you nowhwere and only makes you look bad... but there has to be a productive way to present the issue without it coming across as such. I just haven't figured out how to go about it yet. Even in my own mind it sounds like I'm being a whiny little bitch as I'm typing this! Someone didn't even show up for work today... so the person that person is relieving went to hunt him down where we reside. I should be thankful that I don't have to do that at least. :)
Well... at least I got out at around 1230... but that's still late enough that I had to shave some workout time off and whoof down a footlong Subway sub in 6 minutes in order to make it back to work in time. However, the important thing is that I found a way to make it work even though it was inconvenient! I ran my ass off on the treadmill for 38 1/2 out of 40 minutes, and it felt great! I even got a hot tea from the coffee shop to take back with me and enjoy at the beginning of my shift. As usual... after a nice workout and lunch I felt much better! That's usually how the Wednesday goes, though. I definitely wasn't as stressed today as the previous few Wednesdays, which is a good thing for sure.
Anyway... I guess what they say about exercise is true... it definitely can boost your mood fairly easily! I'm comfy in my bed now and about to head off to dreamland in a little bit. Only 2 more days to work and then another day off and that will complete week 15. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
My sister seems to think I have some kind of autistic type OCD going on here. LOL I could not disagree more, though. I am one of the least organized and most "spur of the moment" people I know. Granted, you do get into a regular routine over here, and when it gets messed up it's rather displeasing. You're relying on people to relieve you at a certain time per whatever your schedule is for that day/time frame. So when that doesn't happen as scheduled doesn't one have a right to be a little pissed off? Let's face it here... we're all here (most days anyway) for 12 hours or more. Isn't that enough of a time frame to ensure one would be on time for their portion of that day? It's a valid question is it not? I try not to be the "bad guy" or the "complainer". It really gets you nowhwere and only makes you look bad... but there has to be a productive way to present the issue without it coming across as such. I just haven't figured out how to go about it yet. Even in my own mind it sounds like I'm being a whiny little bitch as I'm typing this! Someone didn't even show up for work today... so the person that person is relieving went to hunt him down where we reside. I should be thankful that I don't have to do that at least. :)
Well... at least I got out at around 1230... but that's still late enough that I had to shave some workout time off and whoof down a footlong Subway sub in 6 minutes in order to make it back to work in time. However, the important thing is that I found a way to make it work even though it was inconvenient! I ran my ass off on the treadmill for 38 1/2 out of 40 minutes, and it felt great! I even got a hot tea from the coffee shop to take back with me and enjoy at the beginning of my shift. As usual... after a nice workout and lunch I felt much better! That's usually how the Wednesday goes, though. I definitely wasn't as stressed today as the previous few Wednesdays, which is a good thing for sure.
Anyway... I guess what they say about exercise is true... it definitely can boost your mood fairly easily! I'm comfy in my bed now and about to head off to dreamland in a little bit. Only 2 more days to work and then another day off and that will complete week 15. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Writer's block...
...how do you beat this "disease" so to speak? This thing they call writer's block? I am sitting here thinking of what to write and nothing comes to mind. Is my mind really that blank? No... it's not... yet I come up empty. *sigh* I could say something about the weather... after all there has been a significant change in it here over the past few days. There has been rain... cold winds... fog... humidity... etc. Today the sun is fighting to shine through, even though the humidity and coolness stays. The prospect of a return to mild sunny afternoons appears to lie in wait... as if it were saying, "I've been here all along... you just didn't know it." It is nice this winter here in the desert. I do miss the snow and cold, but there's something to be said for it being 60+ degrees on a daily basis in the month of December when a lot of places will struggle just to get out of the teens or colder. :)
I'm feeling a bit "blah" today for some reason. I don't blame it on the weather at all, either. The weather, the way it has been the past few days, is quite enjoyable for me. When you see the sun shine for 40 straight days the sight of rain and clouds is a welcome one. I did, however, manage to come down with a bit of a cold. It started Friday morning... got worse Saturday... and then better Sunday night into Monday... and worse this morning. I'm hoping I can fight it off before my planned workouts the next few days, but if I don't... I will still get my workouts in! :)
The feeling of "blah" could be something else, though. Possibly it's the thought of missing the holidays and spending them with loved ones. After all, I haven't had to do that yet. This year is really the first time I haven't been able to make the trip home. I know I will make up for it once I get back to the states in a few months, but for the time being it's a little tough. Christmas is just 11 days away, and as it gets closer and closer I suppose these "blah" feelings will probably increase. Add to it that I'm unusually tired considering I slept about 9 hours altogether last night and this morning. Perhaps my walk to lunch will help somewhat... and with it being pasta day... lunch will be enjoyable. :)
I also wonder if it's just one of those days... it happens to all of us. I logged on to blog today and noticed I lost one of my 2 followers... yes... it's very sad that I only had 2, and it's even more sad that I now only have one. :( Of course, I do this blog thing for myself, so it's really not a big deal but at the same time it's upsetting for some odd reason. Oh well... I suppose... you can't control other people nor would I want to try. Ultimately people make their own choices just as I do, and usually they have their reasons for whatever those choices are.
Anyway... as I close today... I believe all it took to beat that writer's block was a starting point... just putting a few words down and running with it. It may not be my most interesting or best blog I've ever written, but it does feel good to know that I was able to work my way through it. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
I'm feeling a bit "blah" today for some reason. I don't blame it on the weather at all, either. The weather, the way it has been the past few days, is quite enjoyable for me. When you see the sun shine for 40 straight days the sight of rain and clouds is a welcome one. I did, however, manage to come down with a bit of a cold. It started Friday morning... got worse Saturday... and then better Sunday night into Monday... and worse this morning. I'm hoping I can fight it off before my planned workouts the next few days, but if I don't... I will still get my workouts in! :)
The feeling of "blah" could be something else, though. Possibly it's the thought of missing the holidays and spending them with loved ones. After all, I haven't had to do that yet. This year is really the first time I haven't been able to make the trip home. I know I will make up for it once I get back to the states in a few months, but for the time being it's a little tough. Christmas is just 11 days away, and as it gets closer and closer I suppose these "blah" feelings will probably increase. Add to it that I'm unusually tired considering I slept about 9 hours altogether last night and this morning. Perhaps my walk to lunch will help somewhat... and with it being pasta day... lunch will be enjoyable. :)
I also wonder if it's just one of those days... it happens to all of us. I logged on to blog today and noticed I lost one of my 2 followers... yes... it's very sad that I only had 2, and it's even more sad that I now only have one. :( Of course, I do this blog thing for myself, so it's really not a big deal but at the same time it's upsetting for some odd reason. Oh well... I suppose... you can't control other people nor would I want to try. Ultimately people make their own choices just as I do, and usually they have their reasons for whatever those choices are.
Anyway... as I close today... I believe all it took to beat that writer's block was a starting point... just putting a few words down and running with it. It may not be my most interesting or best blog I've ever written, but it does feel good to know that I was able to work my way through it. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Only 2 weeks until Christmas!
Where did this year go??? Yes... two weeks from today it is Christmas Day! Wow!!! It's going to be my first Christmas since I was stationed in Turkey 15 years ago where I won't be spending it with family. :( I will, however, be spending it here in the desert with my "deployed family", so all is not lost. We are a pretty close knit unit for the most part here. Everyone still pretty much does their own thing when the workday is done, but when you only have a few hours of time to squeeze those things in you don't have much of a choice. With Saturdays being my scheduled days off... I will have Christmas off as if it were my very own holiday to enjoy with as I wish. :) My plan... get up at about 4 AM (I'm not joking, either) and head to the stadium to run a 5K race at 5 AM. Crazy? Perhaps it is! But it's definitely doing something different and out of the ordinary, and I think it's a good thing. :) I will then proceed to head back to bed afterward. That will be my reward for a race well run. (At least I hope it's well run!)
The weather changed on us abruptly here yesterday... first the clouds rolled in... really didn't think too much about that other than I just KNEW it was going to rain sometime yesterday... and it did!!! It was very nice... quite enjoyable in fact! The wind and the rain felt amazing! This morning, though, it felt really COLD!!! LOL Yes... the rain and the 25 mph wind were almost bone chilling as I walked to get my breakfast in only my t-shirt and shorts. As I sit here now... in a warm building... I have my jacket on... and I'm still feeling cold! There is good news about this jacket I'm wearing today, though. For the first time in as long as my adult memory will allow (and that's a pretty long time) I am fitting into a LARGE piece of clothing... not 2XL... not XL... just L. I am honestly in somewhat of shock here!!! Of course, that shock is a very GOOD thing!!! I've just never imagined myself being small enough to wear anything less than XL!!!! I doubt I'll get to Medium... simply because of my height... but hey... Large might be hanging off of me someday soon! You never know... do you???
Signing off from the freezing desert...
Peace, Love, and Poker
The weather changed on us abruptly here yesterday... first the clouds rolled in... really didn't think too much about that other than I just KNEW it was going to rain sometime yesterday... and it did!!! It was very nice... quite enjoyable in fact! The wind and the rain felt amazing! This morning, though, it felt really COLD!!! LOL Yes... the rain and the 25 mph wind were almost bone chilling as I walked to get my breakfast in only my t-shirt and shorts. As I sit here now... in a warm building... I have my jacket on... and I'm still feeling cold! There is good news about this jacket I'm wearing today, though. For the first time in as long as my adult memory will allow (and that's a pretty long time) I am fitting into a LARGE piece of clothing... not 2XL... not XL... just L. I am honestly in somewhat of shock here!!! Of course, that shock is a very GOOD thing!!! I've just never imagined myself being small enough to wear anything less than XL!!!! I doubt I'll get to Medium... simply because of my height... but hey... Large might be hanging off of me someday soon! You never know... do you???
Signing off from the freezing desert...
Peace, Love, and Poker
Friday, December 10, 2010
Ahhhhhh.... Friday again!!!
It's the day EVERYONE loves!!!! It's the pinnacle of the week... the grandest day of them all... the one day when there is hardly a frown to be found and smiles abound! Yes... it's FRIDAY!!!! TGIF!!!! Do a little dance... make a little noise... Happy Friday everyone!!!! :)
Yes... even here Friday is Friday for this guy. That's how it is when Saturday is your day off. Now granted... I can remember lots of Fridays that would drag on and on... seeming like they would never end... but not here! No sirree Billyjoejimbob!!!! Fridays here are an absolute BLUR! In only 37 short minutes I will go out to the floor to sit my final 2 of my 6 hours for today. Then I will have a debrief then off to dinner... and by the time I roll back here there's only about 45 minutes left in the day (week... actually). So all of this is good stuff, right? Most would agree... it is! This is where I have to stop and think for a minute.
We spend so much time wishing our lives away don't we? Every week is a race to see how fast we can get it over with (unless it's a vacation week... and we all know how fast THOSE pass us by!). We are all trying to get to that next day off... that next weekend... or holiday... or whatever perceived "time of enjoyment" we're able to reach. I know I'm as guilty of it as anyone. The problem is... none of us are getting any younger. I know I'm sure not... I'm 38 now... and the more days I wish away the closer I get to 40! YIKES! Oh... I am still going to do it, too! It's just the nature of the working person to do so. I don't think I'd be wishing any days away if my living were made.... say... as a professional poker player. That's something I could do and enjoy 24/7 (at least until I was too tired to think and had to get my ass to bed!) :) I think a reasonably steady accounting job would fit the bill for me... and that's what I'm looking to do once I retire from the Air Force in 22 1/2 months. See... there's that wishing the time away again...
It's something to ponder, though, isn't it??? Now, don't get me wrong, Friday is still glorious! :) Days off are not only a good thing... they are very necessary! If you worked 7 days a week 365 days a year there wouldn't be much "life" to live now would there? It's a vicious cycle.... this living life to its fullest thing. So what is ideal? My wife works as a speech therapist in a local public school. Her job requires a lot of patience and understanding and at times I'm sure can be nearly impossible to handle. Her reward? She has the summers off. I'd say that's a pretty fair trade off, but that doesn't take away from the fact that during the time she's at work she is seriously AT WORK! Most days she doesn't even get the opportunity to enjoy a lunch break of more than 15 minutes. She also works with children whom the majority of are special needs kids. Yes, it's extremely rewarding yet extremely difficult. She does enjoy it, though. :)
So... as this 14th week in the Iraqi desert comes to a close... I have to wonder how much of it I've "wished" away. I know there have been times.... but honestly I feel like they're few here. The time goes by so fast, and you're so focused on the job at hand that you really don't have time to wish it away. For that I'm actually grateful. When I'm at work in Idaho, where my days are 4 hours shorter... and my weekends full weekends... I wish an enormous amount of my weeks away! Perhaps once I get back... I can do my best to start to change that thought process. Only time will tell... but I know that I'm the only one with the power to change it. Nobody else can do that for me!
I hope everyone has an AWESOME Friday... only 15 days till Santa comes. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Yes... even here Friday is Friday for this guy. That's how it is when Saturday is your day off. Now granted... I can remember lots of Fridays that would drag on and on... seeming like they would never end... but not here! No sirree Billyjoejimbob!!!! Fridays here are an absolute BLUR! In only 37 short minutes I will go out to the floor to sit my final 2 of my 6 hours for today. Then I will have a debrief then off to dinner... and by the time I roll back here there's only about 45 minutes left in the day (week... actually). So all of this is good stuff, right? Most would agree... it is! This is where I have to stop and think for a minute.
We spend so much time wishing our lives away don't we? Every week is a race to see how fast we can get it over with (unless it's a vacation week... and we all know how fast THOSE pass us by!). We are all trying to get to that next day off... that next weekend... or holiday... or whatever perceived "time of enjoyment" we're able to reach. I know I'm as guilty of it as anyone. The problem is... none of us are getting any younger. I know I'm sure not... I'm 38 now... and the more days I wish away the closer I get to 40! YIKES! Oh... I am still going to do it, too! It's just the nature of the working person to do so. I don't think I'd be wishing any days away if my living were made.... say... as a professional poker player. That's something I could do and enjoy 24/7 (at least until I was too tired to think and had to get my ass to bed!) :) I think a reasonably steady accounting job would fit the bill for me... and that's what I'm looking to do once I retire from the Air Force in 22 1/2 months. See... there's that wishing the time away again...
It's something to ponder, though, isn't it??? Now, don't get me wrong, Friday is still glorious! :) Days off are not only a good thing... they are very necessary! If you worked 7 days a week 365 days a year there wouldn't be much "life" to live now would there? It's a vicious cycle.... this living life to its fullest thing. So what is ideal? My wife works as a speech therapist in a local public school. Her job requires a lot of patience and understanding and at times I'm sure can be nearly impossible to handle. Her reward? She has the summers off. I'd say that's a pretty fair trade off, but that doesn't take away from the fact that during the time she's at work she is seriously AT WORK! Most days she doesn't even get the opportunity to enjoy a lunch break of more than 15 minutes. She also works with children whom the majority of are special needs kids. Yes, it's extremely rewarding yet extremely difficult. She does enjoy it, though. :)
So... as this 14th week in the Iraqi desert comes to a close... I have to wonder how much of it I've "wished" away. I know there have been times.... but honestly I feel like they're few here. The time goes by so fast, and you're so focused on the job at hand that you really don't have time to wish it away. For that I'm actually grateful. When I'm at work in Idaho, where my days are 4 hours shorter... and my weekends full weekends... I wish an enormous amount of my weeks away! Perhaps once I get back... I can do my best to start to change that thought process. Only time will tell... but I know that I'm the only one with the power to change it. Nobody else can do that for me!
I hope everyone has an AWESOME Friday... only 15 days till Santa comes. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Why the stress???
Good morning... a stressful one... but still good nonetheless...
Why is it that I have extremely high levels of stress every Wednesday lately??? I thought it might help me to figure it out if I blogged it. It does help to get the thoughts out sometimes. On the surface it's easy to figure out or so it seems. I am stuck sitting a position I don't normally sit... so it decreases the amount of time I have to myself while I'm not sitting on scope. I have (or HAD) a good workout planned for today... it's just a matter of whether or not I get to do it. I'm stuck sitting in the command post... been here since 7:45... it's now 10:35. I hate sitting here. I'm not really sure why other than the fact that I feel stuck or trapped. It's the only thing I can come up with. It's not like you're tied to the chair here like when you're on scope, though. It's different. There's TV... and you can email... and surf the web... etc., none of which is stressful stuff. I get stressed because of not being able to do things like leave for meals or to work out, especially knowing I do have to sit on scope from 3-7... so every minute that passes (now it's 11 AM) stresses me a little more because it crunches my time window down a minute at a time... then 30 minutes... then an hour... you can see where I'm headed here....
Today is especially stessful... but it's about to change for the better... will write more later but most likely not until this evening... it's time to go and workout...
Ok... I'm back from the workout and lunch... and the stress is COMPLETELY GONE! Imagine that??? I had a fantastic 45 minute run outside followed by 20 minutes of walking. 71 minutes total counting my warm up walk as well. It's gorgeous out today... sunny with a very nice cool breeze. It was a perfect day to shed the treadmill for the great outdoors! :) A tasty Subway steak and cheese sub and a few Cheetos, and I'm feeling like I just conquered the world! I am wiped out but in a very good way from my workout. I had such an awesome runner's high afterward, too! It was only the 5th time I've ran outside here, and I went about DOUBLE my longest distance of the other 4. I'm ready for my shift in 45 minutes with a much better, stress free feeling.
It's so sad that I get stressed over such a petty thing... it's just something I'm unable to control regardless of how hard I try. In fact, the harder I try the WORSE it gets. I know everyone gets stressed sometimes, so maybe it's just normal. After all, I have not really been very stressed at all during my 3 months here, so it's bound to happen at some point, right? I know part of it. It's having my routine broken or even unknown that causes it. My mind starts to run amuck... something akin to a snowball effect. One thing... impacting the next... and the next... and the next thing you know in my mind I'm 240 pounds 6 months from now and being kicked out of the military. How realistic is it that something like that would happen??? Not very... not if I happen to not be able to work out for one single day. It is completely irrational thinking, but yet it's there every Wednesday because it's already in my head that Wednesday = BAD. It's also in my head that Thursday = GOOD. Go figure? Ahhhh... imagine how it feels to be inside the head of Jim.... LOL It can be a pretty confusing place sometimes. That's for sure. :)
The rest of the day looks to be on cruise control.... relaxed, calm, and happy again... after running 4.4 miles in 45 minutes I guess I should be. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Why is it that I have extremely high levels of stress every Wednesday lately??? I thought it might help me to figure it out if I blogged it. It does help to get the thoughts out sometimes. On the surface it's easy to figure out or so it seems. I am stuck sitting a position I don't normally sit... so it decreases the amount of time I have to myself while I'm not sitting on scope. I have (or HAD) a good workout planned for today... it's just a matter of whether or not I get to do it. I'm stuck sitting in the command post... been here since 7:45... it's now 10:35. I hate sitting here. I'm not really sure why other than the fact that I feel stuck or trapped. It's the only thing I can come up with. It's not like you're tied to the chair here like when you're on scope, though. It's different. There's TV... and you can email... and surf the web... etc., none of which is stressful stuff. I get stressed because of not being able to do things like leave for meals or to work out, especially knowing I do have to sit on scope from 3-7... so every minute that passes (now it's 11 AM) stresses me a little more because it crunches my time window down a minute at a time... then 30 minutes... then an hour... you can see where I'm headed here....
Today is especially stessful... but it's about to change for the better... will write more later but most likely not until this evening... it's time to go and workout...
Ok... I'm back from the workout and lunch... and the stress is COMPLETELY GONE! Imagine that??? I had a fantastic 45 minute run outside followed by 20 minutes of walking. 71 minutes total counting my warm up walk as well. It's gorgeous out today... sunny with a very nice cool breeze. It was a perfect day to shed the treadmill for the great outdoors! :) A tasty Subway steak and cheese sub and a few Cheetos, and I'm feeling like I just conquered the world! I am wiped out but in a very good way from my workout. I had such an awesome runner's high afterward, too! It was only the 5th time I've ran outside here, and I went about DOUBLE my longest distance of the other 4. I'm ready for my shift in 45 minutes with a much better, stress free feeling.
It's so sad that I get stressed over such a petty thing... it's just something I'm unable to control regardless of how hard I try. In fact, the harder I try the WORSE it gets. I know everyone gets stressed sometimes, so maybe it's just normal. After all, I have not really been very stressed at all during my 3 months here, so it's bound to happen at some point, right? I know part of it. It's having my routine broken or even unknown that causes it. My mind starts to run amuck... something akin to a snowball effect. One thing... impacting the next... and the next... and the next thing you know in my mind I'm 240 pounds 6 months from now and being kicked out of the military. How realistic is it that something like that would happen??? Not very... not if I happen to not be able to work out for one single day. It is completely irrational thinking, but yet it's there every Wednesday because it's already in my head that Wednesday = BAD. It's also in my head that Thursday = GOOD. Go figure? Ahhhh... imagine how it feels to be inside the head of Jim.... LOL It can be a pretty confusing place sometimes. That's for sure. :)
The rest of the day looks to be on cruise control.... relaxed, calm, and happy again... after running 4.4 miles in 45 minutes I guess I should be. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Halfway there!!!!
It's true!!! We have reached a milestone here... 3 months have now passed since the last day I set foot on American soil! That means from here on it's time to start counting DOWN instead of UP! I feel like I might have been blogging some of the same crap over and over, though, and if I have then I apologize. It's very difficult sometimes for me to come up with something new when there's really nothing new happening. It's basically the same 7 days cycle. We can start with Sunday, since that is the official beginning of the week.
Sundays are busy... and usually a blur. I wake up at 5:30 on Sunday mornings (Sunday is an evening Skype day for the wifey and I). I go use the restroom and brush my teeth just as most people do when they wake up... at least I would hope most of you do anyway! hehe I get changed into my uniform and roll out between 5:50 and 5:55 AM. I stop at the Green Bean for a morning Cup of Joe on my way to eat breakfast. I leave the dining facility for work around 6:25 with a 6:35 arrival at work in time for the 6:40 morning brief. After the brief I refill my coffee cup and head out to my first of 3 two-hour shifts for the day. After the first one I go and get a quick workout in... using as much time as I have available. I'm gone for almost 2 hours, but it only results in about 30-40 minutes of available workout time by the time I walk home... change... stretch... workout (30-40 minutes)... shower... change back... and walk back in time for shift number 2. After the second shift it's time to go eat lunch at 1:00 PM. I generally get there closer to 1:30 by the time I get moving and get back around 2:15. That only leaves 45 minutes to unwind before shift 3. I go out for the last shift and am done at 5 PM... and straight to the debrief room (debriefs start at 5.) Following the debrief I either relax for the last part of the day until it's time to leave at 7 or I go grab dinner around 5:30 if I'm hungry enough to eat by then. Also, every Sunday with either the lunch or dinner meal I enjoy a nice bowl of ice cream in honor of Ice Cream Sunday. :) I take off at 7 and hurriedly walk back to get changed and go straight to the shower room to shave so that I'm ready for bed. Because 8 PM is SKYPE TIME on Sundays!!! After that I just chill in the room and usually watch whatever football games come on at 9 unless it's the STEELERS then I stay up and watch till midnight or later.... and that's Sunday in a nutshell.
That leads us to Monday... another 5:30 AM wakeup for me. I work the early shift on Mondays, so I do the usual... and have coffee in hand enroute to breakfast. After my shift ends at 11 AM on Monday mornings I chill out for a little while in our "Ops Shack"... the Ops Shack is basically our place to relax and get on the computer and/or watch TV or play video games while we're not working out on the floor. You could say it's the place to unwind I suppose. Everyone needs that in their days, too. Believe me!!! After eating lunch at around 11:45... and getting back around 12:30... I usually do whatever I need to do for the day during the next hour and a half. If I don't have any admin stuff to work on then I do things like write my blog... email my wife and friends... pay my bills online... etc. Around 2:00 or so I start moving to go and work out. I usually spend a minimum of 65 minutes on the treadmill (Yesterday was 75) during this time. I run most of it and walk some of it. It's one of my more intense workout days. I usually get back to work around 4:40 or so and hit the debrief at 5. On Mondays I typically go to dinner, which is fajita night at the dining facility. By the time I get back it's well after 6 and almost time to head out again for the day. There is no planned Skype time for us on Mondays, so I am usually shaved and either laying on my bed by 8 or I go to the recreation center with my roommate for a little while and just hang out there with the laptop. I get into bed and read by about 9:30... and get to sleep sometime between 10 and 10:30.
Tuesdays are my late show day every week... which means I go to work at 10:30 in the morning instead of 6:40. That's a nice little break! I do, however, get up at 4:45 to go Skype with Anne Marie at 5 on Tuesday mornings. We usually talk till about 6 and then I go back to bed. I wake up around 9ish and start my day with a coffee and whatever I have for breakfast in the room or a muffin from the Green Bean. I go to lunch about an hour after getting into work and get back around 12:30. I don't work out on Tuesdays, so I have more time at work to get some stuff done if need be. As you can see... today this is what I'm doing during that time (since today is actually Tuesday!) :) I sit scope at 3... until the night crew comes to relieve us sometime shortly after 7 PM. Then it's dinner time and eventually bedtime around 10.
Wednesday is my least favorite day of the week... It's is by all means my MONDAY over here by far. It starts out like a somewhat normal day. I get up at 4:45 to go Skype with Anne Marie at 5. I get my coffee and walk to work between 6:20 and 6:25 to get here on time, of course! After the morning brief I head out to get breakfast and generally get back sometime before 8. At 9 o'clock I sit in the command post because it's the regular guy's day off... so there are 4 of us who take our turn sitting in there. For whatever reason, sitting in there stresses me out severely. I always feel like I'm giong to get stuck there for longer than I feel I should be in there and then it screws the rest of my day up. I'm supposed to get relieved at 11:30, which would work great for how I plan my afternoon, but it doesn't work on a clockwork schedule as such. Last Wed. it was almost 12:30... which didn't give me the time I needed to be able to comfortably get in my workout and eat lunch after. I had to woof down a footlong Subway Steak and Cheese sub in about 7 minutes. I felt horrible during my shift... from 3-7ish again. I do not normally go eat dinner on Wednesdays as I'm not very hungry yet at 7, and I'm simply tapped out from being stressed out all day.
Thursdays are pretty good, though... and it usually only takes me until Wednesday evening to unleash the stress from earlier in the day. Sometimes even the workout on Wed. afternoon takes care of that! I get up at 4:30 on Thursday mornings to Skype with Anne Marie at 4:45. We usually talk until just after 5:30 and then I go get ready for work. I get my coffee and breakfast before work as I sit the early shift. After my shift the day is pretty much identical to Monday. Lunch, a good late afternoon workout, dinner, and back to the room.
On Fridays I wake up at 4:30 also... for the 4:45 Skype date. Fridays are quite similar to Sundays. They are a blur. 3 shifts... 7-9... 11-1... and 3-5. The workout between first and second I leave as optional for myself because sometimes I'm in too much pain from the previous 2 days of intense work to do it a 3rd day in a row. I usually do, though. The only difference is I do not eat ice cream on Fridays... and sometimes I don't eat dinner until after work because I know I can sleep in on Saturday morning with having the day off and all. :)
That brings us to FANTASTIC Saturday!!! Yes... it's what I work all week for... the coveted day off!!! I'm generally pretty tired come Friday night, so I don't stay up very late... about 10:30 or 11 tops. I wake up at 8 on my day off. One may ask... WHY??? You have the day off... yet you don't sleep all that late. Well... if you notice I've been getting up at 4:30 the past 2 days... so 3 1/2 hours of extra sleep really is A LOT! Besides the dining facility closes for breakfast at 8:30, and Saturday is my omelet day! I eat my tasty bacon... hash browns... sausage... french toast sometimes... omelet... on Saturday morning. Mmmmmmm!!! Before that, however, I stop by the gym and step on the scale for my weekly weigh in. (A person thing... nothing official for the military... just to clarify). It's Saturday when I do my laundry as well... right after breakfast. Sometimes I go and call my dad while my laundry is going as well. I've chatted with my sister on Skype in my room during this time, too. I do whatever I feel like doing on my days off. I've gone to Ciano's, the Italian restaurant on base, and had calzone or pizza. I go to the movies sometimes. I walked to the Post Office one day... to the BX other times... I've only had 5 days off in my 3 months here, and they've all been Saturdays. I do not sit around in my room all day by any means, though! That's not my way of enjoying a day off. That's for sure! :) I even worked out this past Saturday for the first time out of 5. Anne Marie and I usually Skype at 6:30 my time on Saturdays. It works quite well. It's very enjoyable and relaxing to have that day to recover from the busy nature of the weeks here. Then by 10 or so it's bedtime and the end of yet another week in the desert....
So there you have it... a typical week in my deployed life here. As you can see there is a lot of routine built into it. I think it's important to have a routine when you're in a place like this and doing what we do here. Without it you kind of become lost and cause yourself a lot of unnecessary stress. It's not always perfectly set like that... but it's pretty darn close! It's also this routine that makes it seem like Groundhog Day every day because the days each week are so very similar. Not to mention, the dining facility serves the same menu on the same day each week as well. It's all part of the built in routine of Groundhog Day. Even the weather contributes to it. There literally has hardly been a single cloud in the sky for the last 40 days now. It's been between 70 and 80 during the day and in the 40s at night... every single day. It's gorgeous actually! I'm definitely not complaining at all!
Well... that's really it for today... happy reading and blogging everyone! It's a nice long one for you to enjoy. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Sundays are busy... and usually a blur. I wake up at 5:30 on Sunday mornings (Sunday is an evening Skype day for the wifey and I). I go use the restroom and brush my teeth just as most people do when they wake up... at least I would hope most of you do anyway! hehe I get changed into my uniform and roll out between 5:50 and 5:55 AM. I stop at the Green Bean for a morning Cup of Joe on my way to eat breakfast. I leave the dining facility for work around 6:25 with a 6:35 arrival at work in time for the 6:40 morning brief. After the brief I refill my coffee cup and head out to my first of 3 two-hour shifts for the day. After the first one I go and get a quick workout in... using as much time as I have available. I'm gone for almost 2 hours, but it only results in about 30-40 minutes of available workout time by the time I walk home... change... stretch... workout (30-40 minutes)... shower... change back... and walk back in time for shift number 2. After the second shift it's time to go eat lunch at 1:00 PM. I generally get there closer to 1:30 by the time I get moving and get back around 2:15. That only leaves 45 minutes to unwind before shift 3. I go out for the last shift and am done at 5 PM... and straight to the debrief room (debriefs start at 5.) Following the debrief I either relax for the last part of the day until it's time to leave at 7 or I go grab dinner around 5:30 if I'm hungry enough to eat by then. Also, every Sunday with either the lunch or dinner meal I enjoy a nice bowl of ice cream in honor of Ice Cream Sunday. :) I take off at 7 and hurriedly walk back to get changed and go straight to the shower room to shave so that I'm ready for bed. Because 8 PM is SKYPE TIME on Sundays!!! After that I just chill in the room and usually watch whatever football games come on at 9 unless it's the STEELERS then I stay up and watch till midnight or later.... and that's Sunday in a nutshell.
That leads us to Monday... another 5:30 AM wakeup for me. I work the early shift on Mondays, so I do the usual... and have coffee in hand enroute to breakfast. After my shift ends at 11 AM on Monday mornings I chill out for a little while in our "Ops Shack"... the Ops Shack is basically our place to relax and get on the computer and/or watch TV or play video games while we're not working out on the floor. You could say it's the place to unwind I suppose. Everyone needs that in their days, too. Believe me!!! After eating lunch at around 11:45... and getting back around 12:30... I usually do whatever I need to do for the day during the next hour and a half. If I don't have any admin stuff to work on then I do things like write my blog... email my wife and friends... pay my bills online... etc. Around 2:00 or so I start moving to go and work out. I usually spend a minimum of 65 minutes on the treadmill (Yesterday was 75) during this time. I run most of it and walk some of it. It's one of my more intense workout days. I usually get back to work around 4:40 or so and hit the debrief at 5. On Mondays I typically go to dinner, which is fajita night at the dining facility. By the time I get back it's well after 6 and almost time to head out again for the day. There is no planned Skype time for us on Mondays, so I am usually shaved and either laying on my bed by 8 or I go to the recreation center with my roommate for a little while and just hang out there with the laptop. I get into bed and read by about 9:30... and get to sleep sometime between 10 and 10:30.
Tuesdays are my late show day every week... which means I go to work at 10:30 in the morning instead of 6:40. That's a nice little break! I do, however, get up at 4:45 to go Skype with Anne Marie at 5 on Tuesday mornings. We usually talk till about 6 and then I go back to bed. I wake up around 9ish and start my day with a coffee and whatever I have for breakfast in the room or a muffin from the Green Bean. I go to lunch about an hour after getting into work and get back around 12:30. I don't work out on Tuesdays, so I have more time at work to get some stuff done if need be. As you can see... today this is what I'm doing during that time (since today is actually Tuesday!) :) I sit scope at 3... until the night crew comes to relieve us sometime shortly after 7 PM. Then it's dinner time and eventually bedtime around 10.
Wednesday is my least favorite day of the week... It's is by all means my MONDAY over here by far. It starts out like a somewhat normal day. I get up at 4:45 to go Skype with Anne Marie at 5. I get my coffee and walk to work between 6:20 and 6:25 to get here on time, of course! After the morning brief I head out to get breakfast and generally get back sometime before 8. At 9 o'clock I sit in the command post because it's the regular guy's day off... so there are 4 of us who take our turn sitting in there. For whatever reason, sitting in there stresses me out severely. I always feel like I'm giong to get stuck there for longer than I feel I should be in there and then it screws the rest of my day up. I'm supposed to get relieved at 11:30, which would work great for how I plan my afternoon, but it doesn't work on a clockwork schedule as such. Last Wed. it was almost 12:30... which didn't give me the time I needed to be able to comfortably get in my workout and eat lunch after. I had to woof down a footlong Subway Steak and Cheese sub in about 7 minutes. I felt horrible during my shift... from 3-7ish again. I do not normally go eat dinner on Wednesdays as I'm not very hungry yet at 7, and I'm simply tapped out from being stressed out all day.
Thursdays are pretty good, though... and it usually only takes me until Wednesday evening to unleash the stress from earlier in the day. Sometimes even the workout on Wed. afternoon takes care of that! I get up at 4:30 on Thursday mornings to Skype with Anne Marie at 4:45. We usually talk until just after 5:30 and then I go get ready for work. I get my coffee and breakfast before work as I sit the early shift. After my shift the day is pretty much identical to Monday. Lunch, a good late afternoon workout, dinner, and back to the room.
On Fridays I wake up at 4:30 also... for the 4:45 Skype date. Fridays are quite similar to Sundays. They are a blur. 3 shifts... 7-9... 11-1... and 3-5. The workout between first and second I leave as optional for myself because sometimes I'm in too much pain from the previous 2 days of intense work to do it a 3rd day in a row. I usually do, though. The only difference is I do not eat ice cream on Fridays... and sometimes I don't eat dinner until after work because I know I can sleep in on Saturday morning with having the day off and all. :)
That brings us to FANTASTIC Saturday!!! Yes... it's what I work all week for... the coveted day off!!! I'm generally pretty tired come Friday night, so I don't stay up very late... about 10:30 or 11 tops. I wake up at 8 on my day off. One may ask... WHY??? You have the day off... yet you don't sleep all that late. Well... if you notice I've been getting up at 4:30 the past 2 days... so 3 1/2 hours of extra sleep really is A LOT! Besides the dining facility closes for breakfast at 8:30, and Saturday is my omelet day! I eat my tasty bacon... hash browns... sausage... french toast sometimes... omelet... on Saturday morning. Mmmmmmm!!! Before that, however, I stop by the gym and step on the scale for my weekly weigh in. (A person thing... nothing official for the military... just to clarify). It's Saturday when I do my laundry as well... right after breakfast. Sometimes I go and call my dad while my laundry is going as well. I've chatted with my sister on Skype in my room during this time, too. I do whatever I feel like doing on my days off. I've gone to Ciano's, the Italian restaurant on base, and had calzone or pizza. I go to the movies sometimes. I walked to the Post Office one day... to the BX other times... I've only had 5 days off in my 3 months here, and they've all been Saturdays. I do not sit around in my room all day by any means, though! That's not my way of enjoying a day off. That's for sure! :) I even worked out this past Saturday for the first time out of 5. Anne Marie and I usually Skype at 6:30 my time on Saturdays. It works quite well. It's very enjoyable and relaxing to have that day to recover from the busy nature of the weeks here. Then by 10 or so it's bedtime and the end of yet another week in the desert....
So there you have it... a typical week in my deployed life here. As you can see there is a lot of routine built into it. I think it's important to have a routine when you're in a place like this and doing what we do here. Without it you kind of become lost and cause yourself a lot of unnecessary stress. It's not always perfectly set like that... but it's pretty darn close! It's also this routine that makes it seem like Groundhog Day every day because the days each week are so very similar. Not to mention, the dining facility serves the same menu on the same day each week as well. It's all part of the built in routine of Groundhog Day. Even the weather contributes to it. There literally has hardly been a single cloud in the sky for the last 40 days now. It's been between 70 and 80 during the day and in the 40s at night... every single day. It's gorgeous actually! I'm definitely not complaining at all!
Well... that's really it for today... happy reading and blogging everyone! It's a nice long one for you to enjoy. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Saturday, December 4, 2010
25 Things You Might Like to Know About Me...
Good (errrr) morning... I say errrr because It's just about 6 PM here in the desert and dark outside (and getting chilly already!) If you can call it chilly here. LOL A few of my friends have posted this, so I thought I'd do the same. It's fun, and hopefully you will all learn a few things about me you didn't already know! :)
1. Although most of you already know this, I am deployed to Iraq right now and doing a 6 month tour here. On the 7th of Dec. I will hit my 3 month and "theoretical" halfway point of the deployment. I say in theory because we will most likely be here at least a week beyond that. Still... it feels great!
2. I have a daughter, Tiffany, who lives with her mom in a small town in Iowa. She will turn 15 in March and is a freshman in high school. My gosh they grow up so very fast don't they???
3. I am totally a numbers guy and love everything to do with math and numbers. I was in accounting and finance my first 15 years of my Air Force career and plan to return to doing something similar when I retire in less than 2 years.
4. Piggybacking off of #3... I did not choose the career field I currently work in, and that eats away at me on a regular basis. I was forced to retrain in 2007, and I've had a very difficult time in the Air Force ever since. There have been times I've both hated it and myself in the last 3 years. This deployment has actually helped in that department. :)
5. At my heaviest I weighed 262 pounds (in the winter of 2008). My current weight as of this morning is 220. My lowest weight that I can remember in the last 10 years plus is 219 (back in June of this year).
6. I never liked cats... hated them even... almost my entire life. I now have a total of 4 cats who will live under my roof, and I love them more than anything in the world! I just didn't understand cats before. They really are awesome pets and MUCH easier to take care of than a dog believe it or not! :)
7. I am an extremely social person, but lately I spend a lot of time by myself both here and at work. I used to be fairly miserable like that, but I feel like I've "found" myself to some degree.
8. I am not a very picky eater, but if a piece of a mushroom or a coconut even comes anywhere near whatever it is I'm eating I won't take a single bite.
9. I despise the taste of fake sugar. I hate hate hate it! I don't understand how people can drink diet beverages and such. My brain just refuses to comprehend it.
10. I am an avid poker player and gambler. I love just about every single form of gambling as does everyone else in my family for the most part. I can spend hours... or days... gambling almost non-stop and never get tired of it. I would LOVE to live in Vegas someday!
11. Even though I've lost a lot of weight, I've never placed one single food off limits, and I will eat ANYTHING if I get a craving for it at any given time.
12. I was in an accident in June 2009 that totaled my car. I had only driven a half a block out of my apartment complex. I was lucky to walk away from it.
13. I consider myself a beer connoisseur, and I love trying many different and diverse types of beers. I also have not been able to have but non-alcoholic beer in 3 months now, and I'm ok. :)
14. I have been in a long distance relationship with my wife for over 3 years, since I moved from New York to Idaho. We got married in June of this year and still have yet to live together, but that's changing soon after I get back from the desert! :)
15. I have been to 46 states, and though I've traveled to Reno and Lake Tahoe (and add Phoenix and Vegas to that list as well)... I have never set foot in the state of California.
16. I have been bowling since I was 4 years old. I have not bowled on a league since I left my assignment in New York, and I have rolled 3 perfect 300 games.
17. There is nothing I hate more than hot weather. It makes me angry and irritable. Being hot to me is the most uncomfortable feeling in the world unless I'm in the middle of a workout. Then it's tolerable.
18. I miss living close to my family. Prior to getting stationed in Idaho, I lived 6 1/2 and 4 hours away from home at my previous 2 assignments (6 years plus). Now I only get to see them once a year on average.
19. I am a die hard fan of Pittsburgh sports teams... especially the Steelers and Penguins! I am willing to plan my activities around the games, and I will go wherever necessary to watch the games when they play!
20. I never wrote a blog until my first one on MFP. I now blog on blogspot almost daily during my deployment to Iraq, and I'm really enjoying the writing more and more!
21. I believe in living life to the fullest. I know it's different for everyone, but I believe in it just the same!
22. I feel just as connected to my online friends as I do to my "real life" friends.
23. Technology is awesome and isn't going anywhere soon. I believe people, both young and old, should do their best to embrace it and use it to their own advantage. Otherwise you're just cheating yourself.
24. I have been without my cell phone for 3 months now, and I really don't miss it all that much. :)
25. I feel like I have enough confidence in myself to do anything I put my mind to. I am not an arrogant or conceited person, either. I love people of all kinds, and I believe it's much easier to meet people and make friends if you're confident in yourself.
Wow... I did it!!!! Woohoo!!!! That was harder than I thought it would be. :) Enjoy the reading everyone! :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
1. Although most of you already know this, I am deployed to Iraq right now and doing a 6 month tour here. On the 7th of Dec. I will hit my 3 month and "theoretical" halfway point of the deployment. I say in theory because we will most likely be here at least a week beyond that. Still... it feels great!
2. I have a daughter, Tiffany, who lives with her mom in a small town in Iowa. She will turn 15 in March and is a freshman in high school. My gosh they grow up so very fast don't they???
3. I am totally a numbers guy and love everything to do with math and numbers. I was in accounting and finance my first 15 years of my Air Force career and plan to return to doing something similar when I retire in less than 2 years.
4. Piggybacking off of #3... I did not choose the career field I currently work in, and that eats away at me on a regular basis. I was forced to retrain in 2007, and I've had a very difficult time in the Air Force ever since. There have been times I've both hated it and myself in the last 3 years. This deployment has actually helped in that department. :)
5. At my heaviest I weighed 262 pounds (in the winter of 2008). My current weight as of this morning is 220. My lowest weight that I can remember in the last 10 years plus is 219 (back in June of this year).
6. I never liked cats... hated them even... almost my entire life. I now have a total of 4 cats who will live under my roof, and I love them more than anything in the world! I just didn't understand cats before. They really are awesome pets and MUCH easier to take care of than a dog believe it or not! :)
7. I am an extremely social person, but lately I spend a lot of time by myself both here and at work. I used to be fairly miserable like that, but I feel like I've "found" myself to some degree.
8. I am not a very picky eater, but if a piece of a mushroom or a coconut even comes anywhere near whatever it is I'm eating I won't take a single bite.
9. I despise the taste of fake sugar. I hate hate hate it! I don't understand how people can drink diet beverages and such. My brain just refuses to comprehend it.
10. I am an avid poker player and gambler. I love just about every single form of gambling as does everyone else in my family for the most part. I can spend hours... or days... gambling almost non-stop and never get tired of it. I would LOVE to live in Vegas someday!
11. Even though I've lost a lot of weight, I've never placed one single food off limits, and I will eat ANYTHING if I get a craving for it at any given time.
12. I was in an accident in June 2009 that totaled my car. I had only driven a half a block out of my apartment complex. I was lucky to walk away from it.
13. I consider myself a beer connoisseur, and I love trying many different and diverse types of beers. I also have not been able to have but non-alcoholic beer in 3 months now, and I'm ok. :)
14. I have been in a long distance relationship with my wife for over 3 years, since I moved from New York to Idaho. We got married in June of this year and still have yet to live together, but that's changing soon after I get back from the desert! :)
15. I have been to 46 states, and though I've traveled to Reno and Lake Tahoe (and add Phoenix and Vegas to that list as well)... I have never set foot in the state of California.
16. I have been bowling since I was 4 years old. I have not bowled on a league since I left my assignment in New York, and I have rolled 3 perfect 300 games.
17. There is nothing I hate more than hot weather. It makes me angry and irritable. Being hot to me is the most uncomfortable feeling in the world unless I'm in the middle of a workout. Then it's tolerable.
18. I miss living close to my family. Prior to getting stationed in Idaho, I lived 6 1/2 and 4 hours away from home at my previous 2 assignments (6 years plus). Now I only get to see them once a year on average.
19. I am a die hard fan of Pittsburgh sports teams... especially the Steelers and Penguins! I am willing to plan my activities around the games, and I will go wherever necessary to watch the games when they play!
20. I never wrote a blog until my first one on MFP. I now blog on blogspot almost daily during my deployment to Iraq, and I'm really enjoying the writing more and more!
21. I believe in living life to the fullest. I know it's different for everyone, but I believe in it just the same!
22. I feel just as connected to my online friends as I do to my "real life" friends.
23. Technology is awesome and isn't going anywhere soon. I believe people, both young and old, should do their best to embrace it and use it to their own advantage. Otherwise you're just cheating yourself.
24. I have been without my cell phone for 3 months now, and I really don't miss it all that much. :)
25. I feel like I have enough confidence in myself to do anything I put my mind to. I am not an arrogant or conceited person, either. I love people of all kinds, and I believe it's much easier to meet people and make friends if you're confident in yourself.
Wow... I did it!!!! Woohoo!!!! That was harder than I thought it would be. :) Enjoy the reading everyone! :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
The History of.... THE REFLECTIVE BELT!!!

In the future you might even see more reflective belts for the family dog or cat... the pet goldfish... even the pet roach under the sink!!! The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!! In fact... as you can see... the family dog looks very fashionable (and safe) in his specially made pet reflective belt and harness!!! :)
Always remember... SAFETY FIRST!!!! There are so many more ways to put this super force field to use... pretty soon everyone will have one in their homes, in their offices, in their cars, etc.
So... in closing, I am reminded to keep my reflective belt handy at all times (during the hours of twilight to dusk) when outdoors. I don't dare walk from the room to the bathroom without it, either!!! After all, I could be run over by a car or a truck driving down between all of our barriers (only wide enough for two people or a bicycle) then I'd be up a shit creek!!! This has been an advertisement for Air Force Reflective Belts Today! WEAR THEM! :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Start of Yet Another Month!
'Tis true!!! It's now December! WOW! Each day/week/month that passes feels a little more surreal than the previous one. I feel like I JUST had my day off. That was 4 days ago already! After today and the next 2 I will be off again, and 13 weeks will have passed. So this Saturday what can I do that's "different" than what I've done on the others??? Last Saturday and the one before it I went to movies. That was different. There aren't any movies that I want to see per se this week, so I may not make the long trek to that part of the base this time around. That leaves other options open. There is always the USO... the internet is super fast over there, and they have food, but I've already done that before. If I do make the long trek it will be to Ciano's (Italian restaurant) to get either pizza or a calzone. Yes, I know, I've done that before as well, but it's just sooooooooo damn good! :) I have gotten up at 8 and gone for an omelet every morning so far. I suppose I could play poker Friday night this week and sleep later Saturday. Hmmm... I sure do like my omelets, though! I will definitely still be doing my laundry. That part will be the same. I have yet to work out on my day off once. Perhaps I will do that this time around. Even in Iraq there are decisions to be made! Isn't it ironic that volunteer work hasn't come to mind at all for me, though? Others have done plenty of that... some a little... but I've done none. I've yet to find something that I truly WANT to do in that department, and my time off is so little and so precious that I haven't been willing to give any of that up. It's highly unlikely that will change. I just feel like that's the only time here that's truly mine if that makes sense. Everyone needs to take care of themselves even if it does seem and/or sound selfish. When you work close to 70 hours a week you NEED that down time to unwind and release the stress.
I have not been extremely stressed out so far in my 3 months here aside from a time or two... which over the course of 85 days isn't all that bad. I'm feeling a little stressed today actually simply because of where I'm stuck at the moment. I am sitting in the command post as our Battle Staff Commander because it's the regular guy's day off. There are 4 of us who take turns at the position (actually 5 because our Chief sits here, too.), but it is looking like I may lose out on my planned workout time today, which is really going to piss me right the fuck off. We worked out a schedule for this last week... and it worked... but it is dependent on our Chief being here to sit the lunch hour, and he might be late, which throws a monkey wrench into everything. You see... I have to be on shift at 3 so I need to be able to work out AND eat lunch during the time in between 1130 and then. If I don't get out of here until noon or later I get fucked. This is what happened to me 2 or 3 weeks ago when I went and found someone to talk to because I was so stressed and upset, and the feeling is coming over me right now as I type like a shit storm. I know I tend to let things bother me more than I should, but damn it I'm trying to stick to a schedule and a routine here, and if I don't work out then I gain weight. If I gain weight then I get in trouble with my PT for the AF, and once that happens it's all downhill from there. So, as you can see, every single time I see myself losing my workout time it is a huge stress event for me. I hate Wednesdays here... it's the only day of the week I truly hate, too. *sigh*
Anyway... things are still great otherwise. It's just one of those things I suppose. Be flexible... BLAH BLAH BLAH. The whole bullshit line you get fed gets old. It's just the military's way of saying, "We own you... we will always own you... and you will do what we want you to when we want you to do it." That's just the way it goes, and I'm VERY glad I only have to deal with it for another 22 months or so! That's definitely the light at the end of the tunnel right there! :)
So... I should be back to my normal self by this time tomorrow... if not later on today. That's usually how it goes. Once I get out on scope doing the job I typically forget about it all anyway. Then another day will be over and done with, and I can move on to Thursday. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
I have not been extremely stressed out so far in my 3 months here aside from a time or two... which over the course of 85 days isn't all that bad. I'm feeling a little stressed today actually simply because of where I'm stuck at the moment. I am sitting in the command post as our Battle Staff Commander because it's the regular guy's day off. There are 4 of us who take turns at the position (actually 5 because our Chief sits here, too.), but it is looking like I may lose out on my planned workout time today, which is really going to piss me right the fuck off. We worked out a schedule for this last week... and it worked... but it is dependent on our Chief being here to sit the lunch hour, and he might be late, which throws a monkey wrench into everything. You see... I have to be on shift at 3 so I need to be able to work out AND eat lunch during the time in between 1130 and then. If I don't get out of here until noon or later I get fucked. This is what happened to me 2 or 3 weeks ago when I went and found someone to talk to because I was so stressed and upset, and the feeling is coming over me right now as I type like a shit storm. I know I tend to let things bother me more than I should, but damn it I'm trying to stick to a schedule and a routine here, and if I don't work out then I gain weight. If I gain weight then I get in trouble with my PT for the AF, and once that happens it's all downhill from there. So, as you can see, every single time I see myself losing my workout time it is a huge stress event for me. I hate Wednesdays here... it's the only day of the week I truly hate, too. *sigh*
Anyway... things are still great otherwise. It's just one of those things I suppose. Be flexible... BLAH BLAH BLAH. The whole bullshit line you get fed gets old. It's just the military's way of saying, "We own you... we will always own you... and you will do what we want you to when we want you to do it." That's just the way it goes, and I'm VERY glad I only have to deal with it for another 22 months or so! That's definitely the light at the end of the tunnel right there! :)
So... I should be back to my normal self by this time tomorrow... if not later on today. That's usually how it goes. Once I get out on scope doing the job I typically forget about it all anyway. Then another day will be over and done with, and I can move on to Thursday. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I love late show days!
It's not quite a day off, but it is nice to have a 2nd day every week to get a few extra z's! I still don't have to be at work for another 40 minutes, and I'm chillin' with a coffee in my room watching the week's football highlights. :) We're about to move into December tomorrow... not only is it another payday... it's the start of the 4th month here in the desert! The theoretical halfway point is here... it's still a little over 3 months left to go, but it's so close now you can feel it rolling off your tongue. It's all downhill from here.
I have one somber thought this morning. My wife got an email this morning from her mother, and her mom's sweet chihuahua Bella has been diagnosed with cancer. She's only 3 years old, too! That's so sad! :( I'm not really sure what they do for animals when they get cancer. My best guess is it runs its course, and they get really sick and eventually put to sleep. :( There is the off chance that when they removed the cancerous cyst from her ear that they got it all. We can only hope that's the case. Keep poor Bella in your thoughts and prayers.
It's Tuesday now, and the week is flying by at the usual rapid pace. What really makes that happen, though? For some it's not that way. I think it is for most of us here, but there are a select few that say it's dragging on. I can't see how that's possible. Maybe those folks are the ones not engaged in doing anything at all. My days are pretty much full. I sit 4-6 hours of the 12 depending on the schedule that day. I leave to go workout 5 days a week taking anywhere from 2-3 hours of the day up. There is lunch and either breakfast or dinner which is usually another 2 hours. As you can see it adds up fast! During the remaining time I usually catch up on some emails and such. There's not really much time in my day for that. Before I was working out I had a ton of dead computer time. I used to play video games on the computer. LAME! That's about the most unproductive thing you can possibly do with your time. I would much rather be killing the treadmill for over an hour than just sitting there at a computer screen shitting away the hours! I've started losing a pound a week the past month finally. I'm hoping to see that trend continue from here forward. The workouts are pretty intense at times. My running is getting better and better and my waistline smaller and smaller! :) By the way, Tuesdays are my non-workout days along with my days off on Saturdays (so far anyway).
It's been a pretty good first 3 months over here so far. We're still waiting to see if we will get to the next location. If and when that happens it will begin yet another chapter in my deployment story. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
I have one somber thought this morning. My wife got an email this morning from her mother, and her mom's sweet chihuahua Bella has been diagnosed with cancer. She's only 3 years old, too! That's so sad! :( I'm not really sure what they do for animals when they get cancer. My best guess is it runs its course, and they get really sick and eventually put to sleep. :( There is the off chance that when they removed the cancerous cyst from her ear that they got it all. We can only hope that's the case. Keep poor Bella in your thoughts and prayers.
It's Tuesday now, and the week is flying by at the usual rapid pace. What really makes that happen, though? For some it's not that way. I think it is for most of us here, but there are a select few that say it's dragging on. I can't see how that's possible. Maybe those folks are the ones not engaged in doing anything at all. My days are pretty much full. I sit 4-6 hours of the 12 depending on the schedule that day. I leave to go workout 5 days a week taking anywhere from 2-3 hours of the day up. There is lunch and either breakfast or dinner which is usually another 2 hours. As you can see it adds up fast! During the remaining time I usually catch up on some emails and such. There's not really much time in my day for that. Before I was working out I had a ton of dead computer time. I used to play video games on the computer. LAME! That's about the most unproductive thing you can possibly do with your time. I would much rather be killing the treadmill for over an hour than just sitting there at a computer screen shitting away the hours! I've started losing a pound a week the past month finally. I'm hoping to see that trend continue from here forward. The workouts are pretty intense at times. My running is getting better and better and my waistline smaller and smaller! :) By the way, Tuesdays are my non-workout days along with my days off on Saturdays (so far anyway).
It's been a pretty good first 3 months over here so far. We're still waiting to see if we will get to the next location. If and when that happens it will begin yet another chapter in my deployment story. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Another week down...
Well... this has been a pretty long week... not long as in dragging on rather long simply because I'm so tired now. I did a lot this past week. Worked a lot of course! Anne Marie and I got in a LOT of Skype time, too! Then there was Thanksgiving as well! They had a fabulous spread of food and goodies for our Thanksgiving meal here. It was impressive! :) I somehow managed to still lose a pound for the week after that, too! Now that's something! Saturday night I went to see the new Harry Potter movie... and as I started my walk over to the theater I ran into 3 co-workers, so the 4 of us enjoyed the movie together. It was very good... I can't wait for part 2 in July! I also took a nice walk to the post office earlier in the day Saturday (my day off) and mailed out a surprise! ;) I can say all in all it was a pretty good week. Tonight concludes 12 weeks now. One more makes 3 months!!! Crazy, huh???
I can't believe it's about to be December already. It almost seems surreal to me. How did 3 months pass by that quickly? I see no reason for it to slow down anytime soon, either. I would have to assume that the next 3 months will go by equally fast if not even faster. Time does fly when you're having fun... and sometimes even when you're not! :)
So here I sit watching the Steelers vs. the Buffalo Bills tonight in my room sitting on my bed. My roommate is already down for the count tonight. Me, on the other hand, cannot resist the opportunity to watch my team play every chance I get. I even packed a Terrible Towel in my bags when I left to come here. That's how loyal I am! :)
Something really nice happened today as well. I noticed on the mail list from yesterday that I'd received a package in the mail. I wasn't expecting anything, so I was very curious. I did not recognize the sender. It was from an organization of a "support the troops" sort of nature. I was surprised to see it was a handmade Christmas afghan! It's gorgeous, too! It's already on my bed as a comforter. The irony of it is that I was thinking how I could use a nice warm blanket, and look what shows up on my "doorstep". I will have to post of picture of it sometime soon. I think it's wonderful when people take so much time out of their own busy days and schedules to do things like this for an ordinary Joe like me. I have no idea how or why I was chosen, but I'm grateful to no end. There have been several other similar gifts sent at different times, too, and it amazes me.
I think I will end on that note this fine Sunday night in the desert... the end of week 12. I'm going to relax and watch the rest of the football game now and then enjoy a rather short sleep tonight. It's ok, though. It's worth it to me. The following morning is my late day, so I will catch up a little then. :) Take care, and I hope everyone has enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Peace, Love, and Poker
I can't believe it's about to be December already. It almost seems surreal to me. How did 3 months pass by that quickly? I see no reason for it to slow down anytime soon, either. I would have to assume that the next 3 months will go by equally fast if not even faster. Time does fly when you're having fun... and sometimes even when you're not! :)
So here I sit watching the Steelers vs. the Buffalo Bills tonight in my room sitting on my bed. My roommate is already down for the count tonight. Me, on the other hand, cannot resist the opportunity to watch my team play every chance I get. I even packed a Terrible Towel in my bags when I left to come here. That's how loyal I am! :)
Something really nice happened today as well. I noticed on the mail list from yesterday that I'd received a package in the mail. I wasn't expecting anything, so I was very curious. I did not recognize the sender. It was from an organization of a "support the troops" sort of nature. I was surprised to see it was a handmade Christmas afghan! It's gorgeous, too! It's already on my bed as a comforter. The irony of it is that I was thinking how I could use a nice warm blanket, and look what shows up on my "doorstep". I will have to post of picture of it sometime soon. I think it's wonderful when people take so much time out of their own busy days and schedules to do things like this for an ordinary Joe like me. I have no idea how or why I was chosen, but I'm grateful to no end. There have been several other similar gifts sent at different times, too, and it amazes me.
I think I will end on that note this fine Sunday night in the desert... the end of week 12. I'm going to relax and watch the rest of the football game now and then enjoy a rather short sleep tonight. It's ok, though. It's worth it to me. The following morning is my late day, so I will catch up a little then. :) Take care, and I hope everyone has enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Peace, Love, and Poker
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I am thankful for...
This being Thanksgiving I like to take a few minutes to reflect on all the things and people in my life that I'm thankful for. First of all... Family! When I say family... I mean all of my family. My dear wife Anne Marie, who has been so very supportive during this time of separation. The early morning Skype times are more than worth the while, and I really don't know what I would do without her. :) For my daughter Tiffany... my "little high schooler". I still can't believe she is only a few months away from being 15! Wow! They sure do grow up fast. My mom and dad... my dad is one of my best friends in the whole world, and I miss all of our nice long chats on the phone. My mom, or Jomama, as my sister and I call her... whom I haven't talked to in quite some time... I'm going to make sure that changes very soon! I miss her dearly. My sister Tina... whom I just recently received a package from! :)... and I also miss very much. My niece Alyssa... who is also growing at a way too rapid pace. She's so cute! My in-laws... who have treated me like part of the family since day one. I will be coming to visit soon!!! I am also thankful for all of my other family members... cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. And finally... last and certainly not least... the baby kitties!!!! Sidney and Crosby, who are staying with a very nice family on base in Mountain Home, Idaho. I hope you remember daddy when he comes back to get you!!! :) And Milo and Fergus... the other half of our little "litter". Milo the SENIOR boy... he's going to be 9 soon. Fergus the fat boy, though I do pick on him more than I should, I think he's very sweet and adorable. Soon we'll all be together in a brand new place, too! I can't wait!!!
I'm also thankful for all my friends both near and far... both ones I've known forever and ones I may only even know in the online world. I am very lucky to have such an awesome support network in so many places. I hope to continue to make more new friends as my life's journey continues. I believe you can never have too many friends! :) There are way too many to mention here... but if you're reading my blog you're most likely one of them!
I could go on and on... I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve my country in this capacity and actually enjoy it very much. It's a wonderful experience, though the days can be pretty long and sleep short at times. I definitely am glad I was able to deploy with my unit this time. Everyone has been great, and I think we have a great group of folks here. In the same respect I'm thankful that the time is passing by very quickly. For one, it means I get to go home and start getting back to normal and get to see Anne Marie and my cats and do so many of the things I miss being able to do. It also means that I'm staying busy and being fairly productive with my time here. 3 months down in just over a week. Wow!
Well... I think on that note I'm going to be thankful for my bed and get some sleep shortly. ;) I hope you all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday wherever you are!!! See you soon.
Peace, Love, and Poker
I'm also thankful for all my friends both near and far... both ones I've known forever and ones I may only even know in the online world. I am very lucky to have such an awesome support network in so many places. I hope to continue to make more new friends as my life's journey continues. I believe you can never have too many friends! :) There are way too many to mention here... but if you're reading my blog you're most likely one of them!
I could go on and on... I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve my country in this capacity and actually enjoy it very much. It's a wonderful experience, though the days can be pretty long and sleep short at times. I definitely am glad I was able to deploy with my unit this time. Everyone has been great, and I think we have a great group of folks here. In the same respect I'm thankful that the time is passing by very quickly. For one, it means I get to go home and start getting back to normal and get to see Anne Marie and my cats and do so many of the things I miss being able to do. It also means that I'm staying busy and being fairly productive with my time here. 3 months down in just over a week. Wow!
Well... I think on that note I'm going to be thankful for my bed and get some sleep shortly. ;) I hope you all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday wherever you are!!! See you soon.
Peace, Love, and Poker
Monday, November 22, 2010
What to write???
Hmmmm... I am having a bit of writer's block today... so I'm going to try and think this out by typing. It's Monday evening in the desert... after a pretty decent day. Of course, it wasn't much different than all the others... except that I did manage to run for 50 minutes on the treadmill today without stopping! It felt awesome!!! I hadn't had a run like that in all the workouts since I've been here. I've had days where I actually ran faster and/or a little longer, but I didn't do it all at once. I'm doing very well with my runs on the treadmill considering I couldn't even walk 5 minutes on the thing without the room spinning not all that long ago. I simply decided to try it out one day just walking for 30 minutes... that turned out ok, so I built on it from there. Shortly thereafter I started jogging/running, and I've been doing it ever since. So today was a milestone of sorts for me... and I can only keep getting better from here. :)
I've decided to have a relaxing evening just laying in my bed and chatting, writing, and emailing (and watching some TV). I'm going to read some of my book pretty soon, too. It's nice to not have anything going on and already have the stuff done you need to in order to relax. Tomorrow morning is my late day... and also a Skype day at 5 AM (then back to bed after) :)
Sorry I didn't have much to say this evening... just feeling mellow and a little tired. Therefore, it's time to do a little reading before I fall asleep. I'm going to catch up on a little more of that lost sleep tonight. I will be back to write more tomorrow, though, so don't worry!!! I'm not going away for long. :)
The book I'm reading is "The Midnight Road" by Tom Piccirilli, and I would recommend it! It's good. Goodnight!
Peace, Love, and Poker
I've decided to have a relaxing evening just laying in my bed and chatting, writing, and emailing (and watching some TV). I'm going to read some of my book pretty soon, too. It's nice to not have anything going on and already have the stuff done you need to in order to relax. Tomorrow morning is my late day... and also a Skype day at 5 AM (then back to bed after) :)
Sorry I didn't have much to say this evening... just feeling mellow and a little tired. Therefore, it's time to do a little reading before I fall asleep. I'm going to catch up on a little more of that lost sleep tonight. I will be back to write more tomorrow, though, so don't worry!!! I'm not going away for long. :)
The book I'm reading is "The Midnight Road" by Tom Piccirilli, and I would recommend it! It's good. Goodnight!
Peace, Love, and Poker
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Getting used to Saturdays....
Saturdays OFF that is!!! :P I slept again until 8 this morning... and it was nice. I enjoy my sleep in days... especially the Saturdays. It's a great way to recharge the batteries so to speak. I never really feel completely recharged, though. It's more like having a low cell phone battery that you plug in to charge just long enough so you can talk on it for a little while once again. I think that's a pretty good analogy actually. Each week it runs a little bit lower on power than the week before, and each week I get further from getting caught up on my sleep debt. The good thing is won't last forever, and so far I'm doing rather well overall although often tired.
It's Skype time right now... so I'm off to talk to my wifey baby at the Cyber Cafe for a little while... then I will be back to finish writing. :)
Ok... I'm back... after a very nice enjoyable HOT shower! :) That always feels good. Now I'm ready for bed... well... in bed writing my blog tonight that is. It was an absolutely gorgeous day today! It started with a nice sleep and weighing in at the gym (just for myself). I lost one pound this week. I'm happy with that every time. :) I did not, however, make it to work out today, so I'm 0 for 3 on working out on my days off now. It's ok, though. Tomorrow is a new day. After the weigh in I went to breakfast for my usual Saturday morning omelet and fixins. It was enjoyable as I ate and watched Boise State destroy the Fresno State Bulldogs 51-0! GO BRONCOS!!!! After that I walked back to my room, got my laundry, and got it started. I grabbed a second coffee and came back to the room and chatted on a Skype call with my sister pretty much until my laundry was completely done (within a few minutes anyway). I then loaded my pictures from my camera onto my computer and uploaded some to my Facebook account. By then it was almost time to head out for the day... my how time flies!
I went and cashed my birthday checks at Finance and then went to the movie theater to watch "Wall Street". I enjoyed it very much! I think I've found something new to do periodically here. Why I hadn't done so sooner is beyond me! I love movies, and they get some really new ones over here. I can't complain at all. Best of all... it's FREE!!! After the movie I walked over to the USO and on to the BX and picked up a couple items and then headed back. Then it was about an hour till Skype time. Skype time was enjoyable as always. It is so nice to have such technology to help stay connected with back home. :) After the Skype was my shave and shower and then back to my blog... all in all a pretty good day off I must say.
I think it's just about bedtime now. I'm going to do a little reading. I just picked up the book "The Midnight Train" by Tom Piccirilli from the laundry room this morning, and so far I like it... A LOT! We'll see how it progresses... it's very interesting so far, and I'm a suspense reader by nature. Tomorrow starts a new week and will mark the end of 11 weeks here already. Closing in fast on 3 months! WOW! I still call it Groundhog Day because every day here seems the same, but somehow I managed to make today a bit different, and for that I'm giving myself a nice pat on the back. 2 movies in 3 days... I sense there may be more of them in my future. :) Goodnight all.
Peace, Love, and Poker
It's Skype time right now... so I'm off to talk to my wifey baby at the Cyber Cafe for a little while... then I will be back to finish writing. :)
Ok... I'm back... after a very nice enjoyable HOT shower! :) That always feels good. Now I'm ready for bed... well... in bed writing my blog tonight that is. It was an absolutely gorgeous day today! It started with a nice sleep and weighing in at the gym (just for myself). I lost one pound this week. I'm happy with that every time. :) I did not, however, make it to work out today, so I'm 0 for 3 on working out on my days off now. It's ok, though. Tomorrow is a new day. After the weigh in I went to breakfast for my usual Saturday morning omelet and fixins. It was enjoyable as I ate and watched Boise State destroy the Fresno State Bulldogs 51-0! GO BRONCOS!!!! After that I walked back to my room, got my laundry, and got it started. I grabbed a second coffee and came back to the room and chatted on a Skype call with my sister pretty much until my laundry was completely done (within a few minutes anyway). I then loaded my pictures from my camera onto my computer and uploaded some to my Facebook account. By then it was almost time to head out for the day... my how time flies!
I went and cashed my birthday checks at Finance and then went to the movie theater to watch "Wall Street". I enjoyed it very much! I think I've found something new to do periodically here. Why I hadn't done so sooner is beyond me! I love movies, and they get some really new ones over here. I can't complain at all. Best of all... it's FREE!!! After the movie I walked over to the USO and on to the BX and picked up a couple items and then headed back. Then it was about an hour till Skype time. Skype time was enjoyable as always. It is so nice to have such technology to help stay connected with back home. :) After the Skype was my shave and shower and then back to my blog... all in all a pretty good day off I must say.
I think it's just about bedtime now. I'm going to do a little reading. I just picked up the book "The Midnight Train" by Tom Piccirilli from the laundry room this morning, and so far I like it... A LOT! We'll see how it progresses... it's very interesting so far, and I'm a suspense reader by nature. Tomorrow starts a new week and will mark the end of 11 weeks here already. Closing in fast on 3 months! WOW! I still call it Groundhog Day because every day here seems the same, but somehow I managed to make today a bit different, and for that I'm giving myself a nice pat on the back. 2 movies in 3 days... I sense there may be more of them in my future. :) Goodnight all.
Peace, Love, and Poker
Friday, November 19, 2010
Movie Night!!!! (2nd attempt)
Wow... let me just say I'm fucking pissed right now!!! I typed out my entire blog and with one missed keystroke it was all erased and replaced with the letter "c". WHAT THE FUCK??? I thought I liked autosave... but I was wrong!!! IT SUCKS!!! I guess I could have hit undo possibly??? I don't know... but by the time I clicked and went to "drafts" it was already too late for that. Therefore, I apologize for all my lost thoughts, but know it was written really well the first time. This one will be much shorter. :(
So... I'm starting over... yesterday was a pretty good day. I actually did something different. I went to a movie with a few of my co-workers last night at the base theater. We saw "Due Date". It was pretty funny. It's one of those silly comedies that you really don't have to think about to enjoy. It just makes you laugh. It was right up my alley, and that was something worth giving up a little sleep for! :) I enjoyed it so much I am going to go see Wall Street on Saturday at 2 PM all by my lonesome. :P
Can you believe it's my 11th Friday in the great sandy desert land of Iraq??? 11 weeks!!!! That's close to halfway! REALLY CLOSE! 13 weeks is 3 months... and that will be here before you know it. Then it's time to start down the other side of the 6 month hill. Good stuff! Tomorrow will be my 3rd straight Saturday off, and I plan on enjoying it to the fullest as you can see above. I also will make sure I get a workout in tomorrow, something I have yet to do on one of my days off or late show days since the first one. This time I am making it a priority. My body needed the break today... so I'm not going to be working out today. I had some pretty intense lower leg pain yesterday during my run/walk. I'm surprised I was even able to finish. PHEW!
I'm pretty tired today, but I'm still making it. :) I can't complain really... on my worst night I am getting 6 hours of sleep. I can remember a time when 6 hours asleep was PLENTY! I guess that's what happens as you get older. LOL What can ya do??? I will so be sleeping in tomorrow morning tomorrow, though!!!! hehe It's a great feeling... just like a Friday should feel!!! TGIF!!!! I hope all of you have a wonderful Friday, and again I apologize for the shortened post today... it really was a great blog post gone into the black hole of internet-land. *sigh* Until next time...
Peace, Love, and Poker
So... I'm starting over... yesterday was a pretty good day. I actually did something different. I went to a movie with a few of my co-workers last night at the base theater. We saw "Due Date". It was pretty funny. It's one of those silly comedies that you really don't have to think about to enjoy. It just makes you laugh. It was right up my alley, and that was something worth giving up a little sleep for! :) I enjoyed it so much I am going to go see Wall Street on Saturday at 2 PM all by my lonesome. :P
Can you believe it's my 11th Friday in the great sandy desert land of Iraq??? 11 weeks!!!! That's close to halfway! REALLY CLOSE! 13 weeks is 3 months... and that will be here before you know it. Then it's time to start down the other side of the 6 month hill. Good stuff! Tomorrow will be my 3rd straight Saturday off, and I plan on enjoying it to the fullest as you can see above. I also will make sure I get a workout in tomorrow, something I have yet to do on one of my days off or late show days since the first one. This time I am making it a priority. My body needed the break today... so I'm not going to be working out today. I had some pretty intense lower leg pain yesterday during my run/walk. I'm surprised I was even able to finish. PHEW!
I'm pretty tired today, but I'm still making it. :) I can't complain really... on my worst night I am getting 6 hours of sleep. I can remember a time when 6 hours asleep was PLENTY! I guess that's what happens as you get older. LOL What can ya do??? I will so be sleeping in tomorrow morning tomorrow, though!!!! hehe It's a great feeling... just like a Friday should feel!!! TGIF!!!! I hope all of you have a wonderful Friday, and again I apologize for the shortened post today... it really was a great blog post gone into the black hole of internet-land. *sigh* Until next time...
Peace, Love, and Poker
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I am 38 years young today....
Yes... duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh... they say it's my birthday!!!! LOL 38 really doesn't feel any different than 37... or 36... and so on and so forth. It's really just another day. Normally I would be treating myself to a trip to the casino on the weekend either preceding or following my personal holiday, but this year is a little different. There is no casino in the desert, so I have to come up with something else. Unfortunately for my gut... all signs point to food. LOL Perhaps just a treat of some ice cream for dessert after dinner will suffice. After all I just worked out like a crazy man for the 3rd straight day! So... why not partake in a little tasty goodness? I'm still reeling from the fact that I gained a pound last week, though, so we'll see.
The significant part of turning 38 is huge in my Air Force career, though. I will only have one more birthday before my projected retirement date!!!! That is crazy!!! When I get back from deployment I will have just over a year and a half to go. That's hard to believe. It's almost time for the career change to happen... which is both exciting and scary at the same time. It's exciting because I will be able to go back to doing something I want to do instead of the career field I was forced into. It's scary because who knows what the job market will look like? It could be like it is now... or worse... or (hopefully) better. I know that I am ready for it, though, and that's really what matters most. It's right there... so close... just have to get there. With the way time is passing here it won't take long, etiher!
I've now surpassed 10 weeks in the desert already! Pretty soon we'll be at the halfway point of our 6 month tour. I haven't done some of the things I originally set out to do, though. Yes, my negative side does tend to take over my mind sometimes in case you haven't noticed. The biggest one is not taking any classes yet... my excuse was because we're moving to another location... so that will make it difficult to take a class and then transition in the middle of it. Although that may very well be true, the fact of the matter is that the professors would be more than willing to work with you during those couple days of transit time. The real reason is that I just don't feel like I have time... how much of that is perception vs. reality I have yet to decipher.
The way I feel right now is that I have roughly a couple hours free a day during my 12 hour workday, which to me is not enough time to add school on top of it. How much of it is really perception? Hmmmm... if you read one of my previous posts I outlined everything through the course of the day that I either 1. HAVE to do... or 2. WANT/NEED to do but not necessarily have to do. The end result doesn't really leave any time for school to be added into it... let's just say even an hour a day. I would almost certainly have to give up any remaining free time I had... for instance my blog writing time like right now... or emailing my wife and friends... or even worse... my workouts! I just can't see giving up any of the things I do already... Skype time... working out... meals... SLEEP! As it is I only get somewhere between 6-7 hours of sleep nightly on average. It's obviously not enough as I'm tired constantly. Sitting 4 hours on scope requires one to not only be awake... but it requires a very high amount of focus regardless of how busy it might get.
So... until I can figure it out... school is going to have to wait until I get back to Boise and Boise State University's fall 2011 semester. Then I can try and move full speed ahead again in my pursuit of my bachelor's degree in Accounting/Finance. I know I will get it done eventually. It very well could be after I retire and move on, but I am not going to stop until I finish that degree! :)
Well... that's about all for this 38th November 16th of my young life... at least for the moment. I have a couple more blog topics in mind, so you never know. I may just write a second one later tonight. I don't have to work until 10:30 tomorrow morning, so the time will be right. Stay tuned!!!
Peace, Love, and Poker
The significant part of turning 38 is huge in my Air Force career, though. I will only have one more birthday before my projected retirement date!!!! That is crazy!!! When I get back from deployment I will have just over a year and a half to go. That's hard to believe. It's almost time for the career change to happen... which is both exciting and scary at the same time. It's exciting because I will be able to go back to doing something I want to do instead of the career field I was forced into. It's scary because who knows what the job market will look like? It could be like it is now... or worse... or (hopefully) better. I know that I am ready for it, though, and that's really what matters most. It's right there... so close... just have to get there. With the way time is passing here it won't take long, etiher!
I've now surpassed 10 weeks in the desert already! Pretty soon we'll be at the halfway point of our 6 month tour. I haven't done some of the things I originally set out to do, though. Yes, my negative side does tend to take over my mind sometimes in case you haven't noticed. The biggest one is not taking any classes yet... my excuse was because we're moving to another location... so that will make it difficult to take a class and then transition in the middle of it. Although that may very well be true, the fact of the matter is that the professors would be more than willing to work with you during those couple days of transit time. The real reason is that I just don't feel like I have time... how much of that is perception vs. reality I have yet to decipher.
The way I feel right now is that I have roughly a couple hours free a day during my 12 hour workday, which to me is not enough time to add school on top of it. How much of it is really perception? Hmmmm... if you read one of my previous posts I outlined everything through the course of the day that I either 1. HAVE to do... or 2. WANT/NEED to do but not necessarily have to do. The end result doesn't really leave any time for school to be added into it... let's just say even an hour a day. I would almost certainly have to give up any remaining free time I had... for instance my blog writing time like right now... or emailing my wife and friends... or even worse... my workouts! I just can't see giving up any of the things I do already... Skype time... working out... meals... SLEEP! As it is I only get somewhere between 6-7 hours of sleep nightly on average. It's obviously not enough as I'm tired constantly. Sitting 4 hours on scope requires one to not only be awake... but it requires a very high amount of focus regardless of how busy it might get.
So... until I can figure it out... school is going to have to wait until I get back to Boise and Boise State University's fall 2011 semester. Then I can try and move full speed ahead again in my pursuit of my bachelor's degree in Accounting/Finance. I know I will get it done eventually. It very well could be after I retire and move on, but I am not going to stop until I finish that degree! :)
Well... that's about all for this 38th November 16th of my young life... at least for the moment. I have a couple more blog topics in mind, so you never know. I may just write a second one later tonight. I don't have to work until 10:30 tomorrow morning, so the time will be right. Stay tuned!!!
Peace, Love, and Poker
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My second day off....
.... feels much like the first. :) I'm really not doing anything special today, but that's ok. I feel relaxed for the most part. I would feel really relaxed if I could shake this headache!!! UGH!!! I took the early to bed late to rise approach again. I was in bed by 10:30... up around 8. Good long bit of sleep. :) I can't complain about that, although I'm feeling maybe a little catnap is in order pretty soon. I am going to work out at some point today as well.... not sure when yet, but it will be happening. It might be one of my last chances to work out in awhile... so I really should try and do it while I have the time. Besides I always feel much better afterward, too. It's nice to just have the day to do whatever you feel like doing, though... no one to answer to... no responsibilities to worry about...
I did start packing up my stuff this morning a little... after doing my laundry. :) It's about that time... time to move on to the next chapter of Deployment 2010/11. I'm ready for it, too. My first beer in over 2 months is within reach. Yes... the little things in life do count. Do I really miss beer that much??? Not at all! Does the prospect of simply having it available sound wonderful??? You bet it does!!!! I really think it's true when we say we want what we can't have most of the time. In this case... the beer is one of those... also being able to go off station will be another big one. That opens up the possibilities of things to do on that day off immensely!!! And I certainly do love to travel to new and interesting places!!! :)
The weather will surely not be quite as comfortable as it is here at the moment. Humidity will be prevalent... but so will the swimming pool at least for a little while (and then again toward spring). Everything is much closer as well... but that's not necessarily a good thing for me. I am getting a LOT of exercise from walking here, and I'm going to lose that. What does that mean??? I need to eat better and continue the intensity of my workouts!!! Hopefully that will still be an option. We shall see what lies ahead...
It's a great Saturday... and I'm feeling a whole lot better than I was a few days ago. Thank God for that! It was really the first time I was truly stressed since I've been deployed here. They say to expect the unexpected, and maybe if I had been thinking in that manner the stress level might not have seemed quite so high. Who knows? I don't know what the rest of the day holds for me... but I know whatever it is... it will be my choice, and for that I'm pleased. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
I did start packing up my stuff this morning a little... after doing my laundry. :) It's about that time... time to move on to the next chapter of Deployment 2010/11. I'm ready for it, too. My first beer in over 2 months is within reach. Yes... the little things in life do count. Do I really miss beer that much??? Not at all! Does the prospect of simply having it available sound wonderful??? You bet it does!!!! I really think it's true when we say we want what we can't have most of the time. In this case... the beer is one of those... also being able to go off station will be another big one. That opens up the possibilities of things to do on that day off immensely!!! And I certainly do love to travel to new and interesting places!!! :)
The weather will surely not be quite as comfortable as it is here at the moment. Humidity will be prevalent... but so will the swimming pool at least for a little while (and then again toward spring). Everything is much closer as well... but that's not necessarily a good thing for me. I am getting a LOT of exercise from walking here, and I'm going to lose that. What does that mean??? I need to eat better and continue the intensity of my workouts!!! Hopefully that will still be an option. We shall see what lies ahead...
It's a great Saturday... and I'm feeling a whole lot better than I was a few days ago. Thank God for that! It was really the first time I was truly stressed since I've been deployed here. They say to expect the unexpected, and maybe if I had been thinking in that manner the stress level might not have seemed quite so high. Who knows? I don't know what the rest of the day holds for me... but I know whatever it is... it will be my choice, and for that I'm pleased. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A few rough days... but I'm still pushing on...
The last few days have been very hard for me here... as is evident by my last blog post. I'm doing much better this afternoon, though. I'm finally able to feel like I can exhale for a bit today. I got my shift out of the way early today, and I already had lunch. I will be getting a workout in pretty soon, too. I need it so bad! It's been just an awful week for me. I've been so stressed and strung out that I can hardly sleep at night. So now I'm completely exhausted. I know the workout will do me good. I'm looking forward to it very much, and I am going soon!
The impending move of locations is coming up kinda soon, too, so I need to get all my stuff done for that as well. That's not terribly stressful... but moving always sucks. I will be very happy to get right back to being settled in. Believe me!!!! I am looking forward to that first beer on the first day, too. :)
Sadly enough, I really have a blank mind today other than what I already wrote here, so I think I'm going to have to cut this one short. I do have another day off coming up on Saturday, and I am planning to enjoy it agian. I also am going to try and get myself to play poker tomorrow night and do karaoke on Sat. night. I think it will be fun. I really need to do something different to break up this groundhog day feeling that starts to overcome you as every day is seemingly the same. I would love to take a couple classes... after the move, though... but I just don't feel like I have the time or the energy to do it to the level that I'd like to do it. (I maintain a 4.0 GPA... and I intend to keep it that way.) There are many volunteer opportunities here as well, but I don't do any of those either because I just haven't found something I'm passionate enough about that I want to give up sleep in order to do. :(
Well... at the very least I came up with a little bit more to write today. LOL I'm just too tired and mentally exhausted from the past few days to even think hardly at all. I did watch "Killers" last night with my roommate. It was pretty funny. I love getting movies in my packages from home!!! I also got a bunch of other goodies, too! hehe My dad sent me a birthday card that I got, too, along with one from my Aunt and Uncle. :)
Ahhhhh... it is about time to head off to the gym now... HOORAY!!! I know... the simple things to get excited about right? Hey... a workout definitely does something for the mental state of mind I'll tell ya. Sometimes it's the best therapy when you're not feeling at your best. Have a great Thursday and Veteran's Day everyone... say a little prayer or have a moment of silence for just one Vet today. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
The impending move of locations is coming up kinda soon, too, so I need to get all my stuff done for that as well. That's not terribly stressful... but moving always sucks. I will be very happy to get right back to being settled in. Believe me!!!! I am looking forward to that first beer on the first day, too. :)
Sadly enough, I really have a blank mind today other than what I already wrote here, so I think I'm going to have to cut this one short. I do have another day off coming up on Saturday, and I am planning to enjoy it agian. I also am going to try and get myself to play poker tomorrow night and do karaoke on Sat. night. I think it will be fun. I really need to do something different to break up this groundhog day feeling that starts to overcome you as every day is seemingly the same. I would love to take a couple classes... after the move, though... but I just don't feel like I have the time or the energy to do it to the level that I'd like to do it. (I maintain a 4.0 GPA... and I intend to keep it that way.) There are many volunteer opportunities here as well, but I don't do any of those either because I just haven't found something I'm passionate enough about that I want to give up sleep in order to do. :(
Well... at the very least I came up with a little bit more to write today. LOL I'm just too tired and mentally exhausted from the past few days to even think hardly at all. I did watch "Killers" last night with my roommate. It was pretty funny. I love getting movies in my packages from home!!! I also got a bunch of other goodies, too! hehe My dad sent me a birthday card that I got, too, along with one from my Aunt and Uncle. :)
Ahhhhh... it is about time to head off to the gym now... HOORAY!!! I know... the simple things to get excited about right? Hey... a workout definitely does something for the mental state of mind I'll tell ya. Sometimes it's the best therapy when you're not feeling at your best. Have a great Thursday and Veteran's Day everyone... say a little prayer or have a moment of silence for just one Vet today. :)
Peace, Love, and Poker
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thoughts for the day...
Good morning... yes... it's morning here in the desert (as it technically is on the U.S East Coast as well). I am getting ready to head to work on my "late show" day. I didn't sleep in this time, either. I was up at 4:30 to watch the Steelers play on Monday Night Football and Skype with my dear wife. :) I got some stuff done this morning (well... very little actually. I had a good breakfast of a nice big omelet. I watched the Steelers blow a 20 point lead to barely hang on at the end to win. I am on my 3rd cup of coffee now, and I got a haircut. Not bad for a Tuesday morning I suppose.
Now on to my thoughts... yesterday myself and 3 other guys stayed at work until 9:30 working on a project with a deadline of yesterday. Well... the fact that we finished it (and ironed out about half the bugs) is totally beside the point here. Our boss was very pissed yesterday and not only cancelled out our usual Monday meeting but outlined a few items that echoed his displeasure, and I felt like 75% of it was directed right at me. When something like that happens you can't help but think about it, and the best way not to hang on to it, at least for me, is to write about it.
First... he outlined that going and getting breakfast and dinner during the workday are LUXURIES. Fine... I can see the point there, but when you are there for X number of hours per day I believe one short lunch break is far from enough. So... if that's the case... and you are required to eat before and after work (if you even choose to do so at all)... then you're up to 14 hours. Working out during your workday... LUXURY. That one I can also understand maybe even moreso, however, in our job you are required to meet a certain standard of fitness or it affects your career. See above... without meals you're already at 14 hours!!!! Now... add 2 hours for a workout (plus shower time, etc.)... now you're up to 16 hours! Count them... you're down to 8 hours left in the day! Family time (Skype for me)... is about an hour. I'm certainly not willing to sacrifice that for either the meals or the workout, so either I do them all or one of the others suffers... and in order... Skype... meal... workout. Workout gets left out. Do all of the above and you are now at 17 hours. You still have to do things like go to the bathroom, shave, brush your teeth, etc. Factor another hour into that and you're now at 18. Nobody goes immediately to sleep once they finish doing whatever they're doing for the day... NOBODY! So... let's be very generous here and say a half an hour to unwind and get to sleep... 18 1/2 hours. That only leaves 5 1/2 hours of sleep time. Now what's going to suffer??? MY HEALTH! That's what! Is that worth any of the above, work included??? NO! Then the next thing to suffer is job performance... lack of sleep = lack of productivity, and on scope nobody can afford that from anyone here.
I knew I was making a bad decision when I went and worked out the past 2 days, but yet I chose to go anyway. Why did I make this choice? (See above) This reinforces the fact that if I am not afforded the time to work out during the workday there's no way in hell I will ever do it while working 12 hours (actually more like 12 1/2) per day. There are simply not enough hours in the day. Meals??? You don't need time for those do you??? Nahhhhh... I missed dinner last night and was on the brink of passing out by 9:30. So what ended up being my dinner since the dining hall was closed??? Crackers and easy cheese spread. YUM! LOL That's healthy!!!! By the way... I was on my way out the door to go to dinner when I was grabbed for a quick meeting, and it was all downhill from there. By the way that was strike 2, I believe, in the email in which I said I was the main target of. Now... I feel like I'm working on strike 3 at this very moment because I am sitting here and going in at my late show time of 1030 this morning rather than going in early. Why is that??? Well... simply this... everyone else took their designated late shows and days off in the last couple days as well... so why the hell should I do anything different? If anyone says a word... I will most likely go off on them, too.
So... I suppose I can see why my performance ratings have suffered the past few years... I'm just not willing to make certain sacrifices when the time comes. I don't really see that changing anytime soon, either, unless I'm told to. Then I do what I'm told because that's just how the military works. :) I'm not being defiant here... nor am I saying anyone is right or wrong... simply outlining the facts and how many hours there are in a day. When you put it all down "on paper" it sure does come to light. Now try doing all those things on a day you stayed at work till 9:30.... see my point????
The time is just about here now... time to go into work and face the music. I'm neither anxious or thrilled about it today. I'm rather indifferent. I don't really have anything to say to anyone, and I intend to mostly keep to myself today in the hopes I can get through the day without my mouth getting me into trouble. Good times, huh???
Peace, Love, and Poker
Now on to my thoughts... yesterday myself and 3 other guys stayed at work until 9:30 working on a project with a deadline of yesterday. Well... the fact that we finished it (and ironed out about half the bugs) is totally beside the point here. Our boss was very pissed yesterday and not only cancelled out our usual Monday meeting but outlined a few items that echoed his displeasure, and I felt like 75% of it was directed right at me. When something like that happens you can't help but think about it, and the best way not to hang on to it, at least for me, is to write about it.
First... he outlined that going and getting breakfast and dinner during the workday are LUXURIES. Fine... I can see the point there, but when you are there for X number of hours per day I believe one short lunch break is far from enough. So... if that's the case... and you are required to eat before and after work (if you even choose to do so at all)... then you're up to 14 hours. Working out during your workday... LUXURY. That one I can also understand maybe even moreso, however, in our job you are required to meet a certain standard of fitness or it affects your career. See above... without meals you're already at 14 hours!!!! Now... add 2 hours for a workout (plus shower time, etc.)... now you're up to 16 hours! Count them... you're down to 8 hours left in the day! Family time (Skype for me)... is about an hour. I'm certainly not willing to sacrifice that for either the meals or the workout, so either I do them all or one of the others suffers... and in order... Skype... meal... workout. Workout gets left out. Do all of the above and you are now at 17 hours. You still have to do things like go to the bathroom, shave, brush your teeth, etc. Factor another hour into that and you're now at 18. Nobody goes immediately to sleep once they finish doing whatever they're doing for the day... NOBODY! So... let's be very generous here and say a half an hour to unwind and get to sleep... 18 1/2 hours. That only leaves 5 1/2 hours of sleep time. Now what's going to suffer??? MY HEALTH! That's what! Is that worth any of the above, work included??? NO! Then the next thing to suffer is job performance... lack of sleep = lack of productivity, and on scope nobody can afford that from anyone here.
I knew I was making a bad decision when I went and worked out the past 2 days, but yet I chose to go anyway. Why did I make this choice? (See above) This reinforces the fact that if I am not afforded the time to work out during the workday there's no way in hell I will ever do it while working 12 hours (actually more like 12 1/2) per day. There are simply not enough hours in the day. Meals??? You don't need time for those do you??? Nahhhhh... I missed dinner last night and was on the brink of passing out by 9:30. So what ended up being my dinner since the dining hall was closed??? Crackers and easy cheese spread. YUM! LOL That's healthy!!!! By the way... I was on my way out the door to go to dinner when I was grabbed for a quick meeting, and it was all downhill from there. By the way that was strike 2, I believe, in the email in which I said I was the main target of. Now... I feel like I'm working on strike 3 at this very moment because I am sitting here and going in at my late show time of 1030 this morning rather than going in early. Why is that??? Well... simply this... everyone else took their designated late shows and days off in the last couple days as well... so why the hell should I do anything different? If anyone says a word... I will most likely go off on them, too.
So... I suppose I can see why my performance ratings have suffered the past few years... I'm just not willing to make certain sacrifices when the time comes. I don't really see that changing anytime soon, either, unless I'm told to. Then I do what I'm told because that's just how the military works. :) I'm not being defiant here... nor am I saying anyone is right or wrong... simply outlining the facts and how many hours there are in a day. When you put it all down "on paper" it sure does come to light. Now try doing all those things on a day you stayed at work till 9:30.... see my point????
The time is just about here now... time to go into work and face the music. I'm neither anxious or thrilled about it today. I'm rather indifferent. I don't really have anything to say to anyone, and I intend to mostly keep to myself today in the hopes I can get through the day without my mouth getting me into trouble. Good times, huh???
Peace, Love, and Poker
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