Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Getting into the groove...

It's been 3 weeks almost here in the sandy Iraqi desert... and I am finally into a "groove" of sorts.  I'm talking about a workout groove that is!  I spent 50 minutes on the treadmill yesterday, and it felt GREAT!  It was the 9th day out of 11 that I've worked out, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.  The numbers on the scale were less than impressive, though.  I think I've gained a few pounds in the last month or so... I wasn't getting many workouts in during my deployment preparation.  I was packing up my apartment and putting everything in storage.  I was spending some very precious time with my wife.  I was also trying to make sure that I didn't leave things behind that I wanted to have here... albeit unsuccessfully as I've come to find.  I had a CD with all of our "non-professional" wedding pictures on it that one of our friends of the family had taken, and I can't find it.  I am so upset that I forgot it... I'm guessing it's in my extra bag in my car in the storage unit.  That's the only place I can think of it being.  I will go through all of my bags once more... just to be sure, though. 

I am very pleased with work here thus far.  The days fly by for the most part, and I am feeling like a part of something greater than just doing a "day job".  I can't give out details of the mission we do here, but I can say that it's very rewarding making sure the skies and the ground in Iraq are safe... both for our guys and the ones here we will be leaving behind once we leave this country.  It makes so many other things in life that we either complain about or take for granted seem so insignificant.  I couldn't imagine living outside the confines of the base as the local population has to do.  I'm quite certain they wonder if today is going to be their last day on earth.  It's something that we as Americans tend to rarely think about until we're directly face to face with it.  That's the life so many have to lead in this part of the world... not just in Iraq but in a large part of the middle east with the exception of a few of the more modern built up nations.  I just think it's sad.

So I would ask you today... not only keep the troops in mind as you go about your day... but say a little prayer for the ordinary citizens of the war torn nations around the world in the hope that one day they can live a normal life without having that fear in the backs of their minds every day.  Take care of yourselves and each other always as well!  :)

Peace, Love, and Poker

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