Ohhhhhh what a fantastic feeling to know it's just around the corner... that time... the time to head back home. It's probably one of the most relaxing feelings you can possibly know! :) Soon I will be sitting somewhere... with no responsibilities to worry about... drinking a beer by the pool. What an awesome thought! I've been gone 6 months and a week now, and yet it still feels like yesterday (to some degree at least). It certainly hasn't felt like 6 months. It may have felt longer to those at home who have been waiting for all of us for all this time, though.
So... as I have been planning to do... the following is going to be a "somewhat" chronological depiction of the time here in pictures. Some of these pics I'm sure you've seen before, but many you haven't. So do enjoy my final blog post from the desert land of Iraq. :)
Then there came the holidays... I don't have any pictures from Turkey Day, so I will move into the Christmas pics momentarily. I'm having an issue getting my Charlie Brown Christmas tree to upload... but I'm not giving up yet! LOL I have a few other pictures to throw in here in the meantime. :)
Smile, laugh, kill... I wanted my picture with these 3 rocks for the longest time... then finally I got someone to take it one day when I had my camera at work with me.
Then what do you end up doing? You take your picture with a Christmas tree that has a RADAR on top in place of an angel!!!! YIKES!!! Now who wouldn't laugh about THAT? :)
They did a good job with this poor old tree... which was real by the way. The needles all over the command post would definitely make one agree. LOL At first it looked more like a sad old evergreen bush that was already half in the grave, but our hard-

Peace, Love, and Poker
P.S.... since I started putting this whole thing together... I have left Iraq and am currently in Qatar! :)